Page 38 of Teaching Hope
“I went to her house to babysit her kid while she took her mother to the hospital,” Ava explained.
“Oh,” said Quinn. Then she brightened up. “But is she hot?”
“It’s not like that,” Ava started.
Quinn laughed. “It starts that way though. And I’m so happy for you, happy that you’re finally taking an interest again, that you’re starting to live again.”
“Q, calm down. She’s my classroom assistant, I simply did a favor for a neighbor, nothing more, nothing less.”
Quinn peered at Ava through the screen. “Right. So, is she then? Hot, I mean.”
Obviously, Quinn wasn’t going to let this go. Ava sighed. “I suppose,” she said, grudgingly, because she couldn’t deny the fact that Hope was attractive, that would be lying.
“Hmmm. So you noticed?”
Quinn shrugged. “And nothing. It’s obviously a touchy subject, I’ll leave it alone.” She paused for a second. “She’s single though?”
It was Ava’s turn to shrug. “I think so, I don’t really know. I know she’s got an ex-husband and she lives with her mom. She doesn’t seem to get out much.”
“Neither do you,” pointed out Quinn.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“That it’s seven thirty on a Wednesday evening and you should be, I don’t know, bowling or on a date or doing anything other than talking to your gorgeous best friend.”
“I’m about to be doing anything other than talking to you in a minute,” Ava said. “Quit pressuring me. I’m not dating again. End of story. Can you not let me be heart-broken in peace?”
“That’s the thing though, isn’t it?” said Quinn. “You can’t be heart-broken forever. You need a heart to live. If you let it languish away in that dark pit of despair, well, eventually you’ll keel over and die.”
“Cheerful, thank you.”
“You’re forever welcome.” Quinn smiled and her eyes danced and Ava couldn’t help but smile back. “Listen, I’m encouraging you, that’s all. You’ve had a tough time, Ave. But you’re not dead yet. You’re all of thirty eight.”
“I’m forty three.”
“Shit? Really?” Quinn said, pretending to look surprised. “Well then, strike everything I just said. You’re an old maid, spend your time alone at home. Have you looked into getting a cat?”
“Don’t talk to me about cats,” said Ava. “And you’re not funny.”
“Oh, I am,” grinned Quinn. “I’m also about out of time. Lunch break’s over and it’s back to work for me. I’ll talk to you soon, okay?”
“And Ave? Never say never, eh?”
Ava sighed. “Fine. I won’t say never.”
“And if this one’s hot, don’t let her escape,” said Quinn, leaning in and switching off the call so that Ava couldn’t respond.
Ava shook her head and folded the cover back over the tablet. Quinn just never gave up. Maybe because Quinn had never actually been heart-broken. She’d never taken anything or anyone seriously enough to hurt herself. Not like Ava. Not like how things had been with Serena.
She got up and went into the kitchen to pour herself a glass of wine.
Just one, she promised herself.
One glass and an early night, she had school in the morning.