Page 44 of Whisking It All
For a moment, he wondered what Whisky would say if he told her about Tessa. They’d never made promises to each other, there was no expectation that they weren’t dating other people, especially since they weren’t dating each other—but sometimes it felt like they were. Sometimes all their nothings felt like…something.
Which made what he’d done with Tessa, what he still wanted to do with Tessa despite all the reasons he shouldn’t, all the more complicated.
DiceDiceBaby: You ever wonder what things would be like if we’d met in person instead of on the internet?
WhiskyBusiness: I don’t like to think about ‘what if’s. If I started, I’d never stop.
WhiskyBusiness: What if I hadn’t moved around so much growing up? What if I took this job instead of that one? What if I popped my popcorn tonight in avocado oil instead of coconut oil?
WhiskyBusiness: You see how quickly that can get out of hand.
DiceDiceBaby: Point taken. Though I think the avocado vs. coconut oil thing might be overstating your point.
WhiskyBusiness: I like to think that no matter how we met, we would have ended up here.
DiceDiceBaby: Sending anonymous messages on a TV show fan forum?
WhiskyBusiness: Friends.
The memory of Tessa sitting beside him in that very spot the night before flooded his senses.
I don’t want to be friends with you, Tessa.
I don’t feel very friendly when I look at you.
He dug the heels of his hands into his eyes and raked his hands through his hair. What was he doing? Sitting there moping over two different women, neither of whom he could have, like some kind of sullen teenager.
WhiskyBusiness: Do you ever wonder ‘what if’?
DiceDiceBaby: No. I think I know exactly what would have happened if we’d met some other way.
WhiskyBusiness: Oh yeah? Tell me, oh wise one, what this alternate timeline looks like.
DiceDiceBaby: I would have asked for your number. And I would have called you right away.
WhiskyBusiness: Calling? How very 1998 of you.
DiceDiceBaby: I would have wanted you to hear my voice, so you would know I meant it when I said I wanted to take you to coffee.
WhiskyBusiness: Even if I ordered a double mocha half caf extra whip monstrosity?
DiceDiceBaby: Even then.
DiceDiceBaby: And I wouldn’t have stopped calling you to ask you to go for coffee, or drinks, or dinner and a movie.
WhiskyBusiness: Or a rewatch of Brilliant British Bakes?
DiceDiceBaby: With plenty of coconut oil-popped popcorn for your snacking pleasure.
WhiskyBusiness: Don’t forget the parmesan cheese, lemon zest, and black pepper on top. That’s the most important part.
DiceDiceBaby: I would never forget the toppings.
DiceDiceBaby: And then one day I wouldn’t need to call because we’d already be together. And the only thing I’d have to call you for is to ask what you wanted me to pick up for take out on the way home.
WhiskyBusiness: You wouldn’t need to call for that. You’d already know.
DiceDiceBaby: Shrimp pad thai, extra lime, hold the peanuts.