Page 55 of Whisking It All
He chuckled, dragging his thumb over her ankle one more time before he dropped his hand away and broke the spell. “Let’s walk a bit. I want to scope out the best spots for the bonfires.” He got to his feet and held out his hand to her, helping to pull her to standing. “We’ll still need to get approval, probably call the fire marshal—”
“Okay, Mr. Negativity. Can we just dream for a minute, please?”
He rolled his eyes in mock annoyance, not even trying to hide the way his lips curled up at the edge this time. “Just for a minute.”
Jamie needed to keep moving. His head was spinning as pieces of conversations with Tessa and Whisky blurred together in his mind.
It probably wasn’t that uncommon of a tattoo for a baker, just like so many chefs had knives tattooed on their arms and hands. He didn’t even know if Whisky had any tattoos. But the discovery of the quarter-sized whisk permanently inked into Tessa’s skin had him reeling. So many small moments colliding in his mind, the similarities between the two women feeling like much more than coincidence.
It’s just because of the sexting, he told himself. Whisky and Tessa are all mixed up in your mind now.
That had to be it. Because the alternative… He shot a look at Tessa at his side, blissfully dragging her toes through the sand to leave patterns in her wake, stopping every few feet to examine a shell or rock half buried on the beach.
It’s just that you want it to be her.
A splash of freezing water crashed across his calves, momentarily stealing all thoughts from his brain. He swore and turned to find Tessa doubled over with her hands in the waves just before a second splash broke over his feet. He cursed louder this time and she roared with laughter.
“That’s freezing!” he complained.
She glanced down to where her own feet were submerged in the water up to her ankles. “It’s refreshing.”
“If by refreshing you mean masochistic.”
She wound up and whipped a large splash his way, this one crashing over his chest. He gasped as the water broke over him, plastering his shirt to his skin.
“Oh, you’re gonna pay for that,” he promised as he advanced on her.
She squealed and took off running down the beach, her feet sinking into the wet sand at the water’s edge. It only took a moment for him to catch up to her. He sent a giant splash her way, the water breaking against her torso, soaking her shirt.
“Jamie!” she shrieked, twisting to splash him back.
That’s how Gavin found them a few minutes later, soaked through and splashing each other like children, breathless from laughter and the icy shock of the water.
“What’s going on, guys?” Gavin asked, grinning as he approached, though he kept a careful distance out of the splash zone.
“You made it,” Jamie said, trying to catch his breath. “We were just talking about a beach bonfire. For the festival.”
He shot a warning glance at Tessa when she sent a final burst of water in his direction. She bobbed her eyebrows playfully and he barely managed to hold on to his serious expression.
“I don’t think you can build a bonfire in the water,” Gavin laughed.
“Why don’t you tell him your idea, Tess, and I’ll run up to the hotel and see if they can loan us some towels.” Jamie took off back towards the stone stairs.
“See if they have any hot chocolate!” Tessa called after him.
Jamie turned to face her, continuing to walk backwards away from her. “Let’s dry off and I’ll make you some good hot chocolate back at the restaurant.”
“Deal!” She smiled, the expression lighting up her entire face.
Even soaked to the bone, sand in her hair, she was stunning. His eyes dropped to her chest, to the pale fabric plastered against her body. It had gone see-through with the water, revealing a bright purple bra. When he met her gaze again, the smile was gone, replaced by a fire in her eyes.
“Hurry up, Jamie. I think Tessa’s getting cold,” Gavin called as both men watched a shiver move through her. A shiver Jamie was quite sure had little to do with the temperature.
Still, he turned and jogged down the beach. He didn’t want anyone else seeing Tessa like that, so exposed, so goddamn pretty it hurt to look at her. Not even Gavin.
By the time he returned to the beach, towels in hand, Gavin and Tessa had walked most of the way back to where they’d left their shoes. She gratefully accepted the towels, wrapping one around her chest and using the other to dry her hair.