Page 73 of His Darkest Desire
“If you seek the truth”—Vex turned his palms up—“I cannot offer it. I know not, Kinsley. Diluted as your fae blood is, your true name should have no power to compel you, but I cannot declare that with any certainty.”
“So my oath that night?”
“It was binding because you swore it upon your true name. As it would have been for anyone, whether mortal, fae, or otherwise.”
Kinsley lowered her spoon into the half-eaten bowl of porridge and picked up a piece of fruit. “And what about you? Vex isn’t your true name.”
“It is not.” His features darkened; it was like watching storm clouds block out the sun and cast deep shadows across the land. “It is a name I adopted long ago. Not my true name, but one with meaning nonetheless.”
Kinsley searched his eyes. As much as she wanted to ask more questions, to dive further into his past, she knew he wasn’t ready to tell her. Why would he share such closely guarded secrets with her anyway? Why would he reveal his pain, his vulnerability, when Kinsley was just…
Just a means to an end.
She returned the uneaten fruit to her plate and glanced toward the window. “The storm finally passed. Would it be okay to go outside today?”
Vex arched a brow. “You’ve hardly eaten.”
“I’m not very hungry this morning.”
He frowned, releasing a thoughtful grunt. “I see.”
Kinsley looked down at her plate, plucked up another scone, and smiled. “I’ll take this with me in case I get hungry.”
“If such is your wish,” he said with a hint of hesitancy. “I must ask that you not venture too far from the cottage. As you are aware, this forest is not without its dangers.”
“You’re not coming?” She couldn’t fully disguise the disappointment in her voice.
“Though I’d enjoy little more than accompanying you, I’ve research to attend here.” Grasping the arms of his chair, he slid it back and stood up in one smooth motion. He held out his hand to her, palm up, as he glanced at the window. “And goblins do not find sunlight particularly…agreeable.”
Kinsley placed her hand within his, allowing him to help her stand. Her skirt fell back into place around her legs. “What do you mean?”
He curled his fingers around her hand and brushed his thumb across her knuckles. “It is rather uncomfortable. But I shan’t stop you from enjoying the sunshine, Kinsley. The wisps will escort you. I’ll not have you out there unguarded.”
Releasing her hand, he gestured at the table. The food that had been atop it vanished so quickly that afterimages of it lingered in Kinsley’s vision when she blinked.
She chuckled. “No wonder it stays so clean here. You even poof away messes.”
“Cleaning grows tedious after decades with little else to do,” he said, smiling softly. “Though not cleaning becomes equally boring in its own time. Should you require aught else, Kinsley, do not hesitate to seek me. I shall be in my laboratory.”
“I thought I’m not allowed in there.”
“You’re not. Surely you’re familiar with the practice of knocking?”
“Ah. So picking the lock is out of the question, huh?” Smirking, she snapped her fingers. “Dang. Just when I was getting good at it.”
Vex’s gaze ran over Kinsley from head to toe and back again. Lips curling wickedly, he leaned toward her, captured her chin, and stroked her bottom lip with his thumb, tugging it down. Kinsley’s breath caught, and her heart stuttered.
“I’m certain we’ll discover all manner of unknown talents in the days to come, Kinsley,” he said, his low voice filled with promise.
“Oh…” Kinsley stared at his mouth as her thoughts returned to their kiss. Her lips tingled with the memory, and she longed to feel it again, to be consumed by his fire and passion, to be devoured by his desire.
He drew closer, his lips a breath away from hers. Her lashes fluttered closed.
“Enjoy the sunlight, Kinsely,” Vex whispered. “I look forward to tasting it upon your skin.”
Then his touch was gone.
Kinsley opened her eyes, brow furrowing as she glanced around the room.