Page 13 of Tempting the Maiden
“Surely a lady like you knows all about giving alms,” I goaded.
The nobility of our country was about a fifty-fifty split when it came to giving to the poor. Some gave more than they took; others flipped that equation. I desperately wanted Marian to belong to that first group.
“Of course.” She tossed her head, looking more like a proper lady than ever. “But I don’t need to come with you to do that.”
A good point. I considered my options, concluding I was down to one. My joker.
I leaned in with a rough whisper. “I could take you to see Willa along the way.”
And, bull’s-eye. Her eyes went wide, and her breath caught. She knew Willa, all right.
A moment later, she smoothed her hands over her dress and backpedaled. “Willa who?”
Ha. Now I had her.
I tossed her the robe I’d brought.
She frowned. “What’s this?”
“Your disguise.”
She held it up to her body without the fuss one might expect from a highborn lady. No I couldn’t possibly be seen in something like this! or Don’t you have something more flattering? Just a wary look aimed at me rather than the robe.
“Hmpf. You’ve thought of everything, haven’t you?”
I laughed. “Well, there’s usually one critical detail I overlook, so brace yourself. Something is bound to go wrong.” With that, I turned for the door. “I’ll pick you up in the morning, right after Terce prayers.” Once at the door, I glanced back with a grin. “See you then, Marian.”
Chapter Five
My brow furrowed as I watched Tuck prowl away. Was it that obvious who I was? Did everyone in the abbey know I was hiding in — er, visiting — the abbey?
And Willa! It would be so good to see her — if Tuck wasn’t bluffing. I had a thousand questions about her too. Was she well? What was she doing? All I’d gotten was a cryptic message that said, Delivery successful. Nosey and I safe. Staying put for the present but ready to act when you send the word.
Questions that plagued me all night and into the next morning.
I peered out the window, wondering where Tuck was. Every time the chanting sound of monks at prayer carried through the abbey, I listened, imagining a fair-haired monk…well, maybe not praying. More like hiding under his hood and dreaming of something else.
I smiled at the image, then frowned and snatched up my needlepoint. A minute later, I threw it down again. Who was I kidding? It wasn’t in my nature to play the fine lady any more than it was in Tuck’s nature to live the life of a monk.
Neither was it in my nature to sit around all day. My animal side longed to get outside and run through the misty fields surrounding the abbey.
Finally, the soft pad of footsteps sounded on the back stairs. Before, that made my heart rev in alarm. Now, it revved in anticipation. But that was because of alms day, not the man I would get to spend time with. I swear.
I made sure not to answer the first soft knock, nor the second, lest he think I was overeager. Never mind that I’d spent the previous hour pacing and fiddling with my robe.
On the third knock, I opened the door with a yawn.
“Oh. It’s you.”
He flashed that Here’s your cue to swoon grin and said, “Good morning.”
And dammit, that rumbly tone really could make a girl swoon.
“Morning,” I grumbled.
His smile grew, spreading to his cheeks and amber eyes. Then his gaze caught on the monk’s robe I wore, and his breath caught.