Page 39 of Tempting the Maiden
But, damn. He wasn’t with me at the moment, and even if he were, he was a monk.
I sighed. Destiny must hate me.
My animal side, though, held out hope. Destiny will smile upon us. You’ll see.
I pursed my lips, finding that hard to believe.
When a knock sounded at the back door, I jumped to my feet. Willa grabbed a dagger, then sniffed the air and relaxed.
“It’s John…and Tuck.”
Funny, I’d just come to the same conclusion. A sixth sense had told me.
My breath caught. Willa knew because John was her mate. I knew because…Tuck was mine?
Destiny, a faint voice whispered in my mind.
It had to be, because when he entered, it was like the sun breaking out of the clouds after a week of gloom.
“Don’t touch that,” John Little warned Tuck. “Not the door. Not the bookshelf either. Oh, and don’t get close to that rug.” Then he sighed. “Just don’t touch anything.” Finally, he dropped his voice. “And watch what you say. These are two women you don’t want to tick off.”
Tuck gave him a look that asked if John had spent a little too much time in the woods, then waved at Willa and turned to me.
He beamed — at me, for me, with me — and stepped close.
After exactly two seconds of trying to restrain myself, I threw myself into a hug. Tuck laughed and hugged me back, long, close, and warm.
I was aware of Willa and John going a little wide-eyed. And heck, I was a little surprised too. But there was no denying the attraction I felt for the man, and no rules for how fast — or slow — love ought to work. Plus, Willa and John went all dreamy-eyed around each other. Couldn’t Tuck and I do the same?
For a moment, my soul soared. Then it crashed again. Willa could have John because he wasn’t a monk. Tuck was.
I released him and smoothed my hands over my dress.
“Good to see you back safely.”
His smile was just as sad and wistful. “Good to see you safe too.”
“What did the sheriff want?” Willa asked.
“I wasn’t interrogated by the sheriff. It was Lady Thornton. And, Lord. I thought Sir Guy was bad…”
“What is she plotting now?” John asked.
Tuck made to flop into a chair, but John grabbed him first and looked at me.
“That one is safe,” I assured him.
John released Tuck, who slumped down wearily. “What is she plotting? Hard to tell, but she wanted to know about your camp.” Willa and John looked at each other while Tuck turned to me. “And she wanted to know about you.”
I tried playing it cool despite the ice that sent down my spine. “Did she now?”
Tuck nodded. “She knows you’re here.”
I made a face. “News travels fast.”
“Father Benedict,” Tuck cursed, then went on. “She wanted me to spy on you.”
I snorted. “I’m locked in a library. What is there to spy on — which books I read?”