Page 82 of Tempting the Maiden
It took a moment, but I finally placed him — the baker from Nottingham’s east gate, father of the local beauty, Mary. And, wow. Who knew bakers could be such passionate orators?
“For years, our lives have been in the hands of thieves who have done nothing but tax and torment us,” he said. “They speak pretty words, but their actions tell a different tale. Things have only improved since the sheriff stepped in, together with the good Lady Robynne. So, trust? I know who I trust. Don’t you?”
“But she’s a bandit,” someone muttered.
“A bandit who’s kept food coming in for my children, no thanks to the likes of you,” another woman retorted. Then her eyes slid to the king.
The king nodded at the unspoken accusation. “Even a king cannot be everywhere and serve everyone, no matter how he desires. Thus, I am grateful for those who have worked in my name — those of true heart and loyal soul.” He nodded firmly at Daniel and Robynne. Then he took a deep breath and went on. “Good people of Nottingham, judge for yourselves. Who do you prefer at your side — these shifters or your previous overlords?”
A ripple of affirmation went through the crowd, and Marge crossed her arms.
“I’ll take Robynne any day. And that sheriff, too.” She blew him a kiss. “Much fairer than our last one, and much easier on the eyes. Don’t you agree, ladies?”
Giggles broke out, and while the men looked annoyed, their respect for Daniel was clear.
“There it is, then,” the king proclaimed. “Mr. Cook here is duly appointed Nottingham’s official sheriff, and Miss Hood, your newest alderman.” Then he scratched his head. “Or is it alderwoman?”
Robynne bowed. “Alderwoman works for me — but only if the people of Nottingham agree.”
“Three cheers for Robynne Hood!” someone cried.
Everyone chimed in enthusiastically. “Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray!”
Her cheeks went red, and she drew a line in the dirt with her foot. Humility was just one reason she would be perfect for the job as a town councillor.
So, whew. I looked around. There it was — the happy ending we’d barely dared to hope for. Marian was safe. Robynne was acquitted. Bess and the children had been saved. Prince John was imprisoned, and the king had promoted Daniel from acting to official sheriff of Nottingham.
It was everything I’d hoped for, and more. A happy ending for everyone…except me.
I swallowed hard, not daring to look at Marian. The wound on my belly was already healing, so my only regret was not dying honorably, because now I had to find a way to live without Marian.
My lion growled so loudly, the sound slipped out, and the nearest dozen people jumped away.
“Um…sorry,” I said a little sheepishly.
Marian squeezed my hand, but I didn’t have it in me to squeeze back. I didn’t even have it in me to look up. Hundreds of innocent townsfolk had just seen shapeshifters for the first time in their lives, and they’d witnessed the return of the king. I didn’t need to add a crying lion to the spectacle.
“Well, I believe that’s everything,” the king concluded.
His horse perked its ears and shuffled, ready to carry the great man to his next pressing engagement. A battle, perhaps, or a coronation…
My lion sighed.
“Not quite everything,” said the only person brave enough to contradict the king — Marian.
He looked perplexed. “No? What, then?”
“There was a wedding planned for tomorrow…” she said.
The king snorted. “Surely you have no interest in my weasel of a brother.”
She shook her head and pulled my hand to her heart, cupping it with both her hands. “Not in the least. But I did have my eye on a fair knight.”
My heart thumped, hoping against hope.
The king frowned. “You mean this rascal?”
She nodded. “Tuck.”