Page 12 of Beau's Beloved
Sam turned her head away. “Pathetic that, a lot of the time, she’s the only one I have to talk to.”
I reached over and squeezed her hand. “From what I recall, that was by design after your last roommate was arrested for drug smuggling.”
“I’d forgotten all about that since I wasn’t there when the sheriff showed up. But, God, it was pretty bad. Thankfully, the rest of us who lived in the house weren’t arrested too.”
“Vader knows better. Particularly with you.”
“Vader. It cracks me up that you all call him that.”
I looked at her with wide eyes. “Have you not had the pleasure of speaking to him on the phone? He sounds exactly like the character.” I mimicked Vader’s breathing.
“This car, err, SUV, is amazing,”Sam said after remaining quiet for several minutes. She ran her hands over the seat’s leather. “I love the color. It seems like you only see either white or black cars in California. It’s a refreshing change.”
Knowing she’d like it, I’d chosen the British racing green exterior, referred to as hunter green by the salesman. I caught myself rolling my eyes, much like Sam did so often when he’d said it. The inside was a rich cognac. I would’ve preferred oyster if not for two things. First, the automobile maker didn’t offer it. Second, this car wasn’t for me; it was for Sam. I hadn’t quite decided when I would inform her, knowing once I did, an argument would ensue.
I had several rationales lined up for the reveal when it did take place. The main reason was her car was front-wheel drive. She’d never be able to drive it in the snow, if the thing even made it out of the State of California.
“What are you thinking about?” she asked.
“The vehicle. Why do you ask?”
“Your facial expressions make it look like you’re arguing with yourself.”
“Not at all.” I chuckled, reminding myself I needed to pay closer attention to how well I schooled my reactions around this woman.
“Wouldyou like to know where I think we should stop for the night?” I asked once we were halfway to my intended destination.
“No. I’m good with winging it. As long as—never mind.”
“What were you going to say?”
“As long as it isn’t Las Vegas, but there isn’t much else on this road otherwise.”
I shook my head. “We are definitely not staying in Vegas.” At least not any longer.
Beau was lying about something. Maybe more than one thing. It was easy to tell; his right eye twitched. It was barely perceptible, but I’d known him a long time and had learned to look for it when I thought he was fibbing. I wouldn’t confront him about it now, though.
What he’d arranged for this trip, especially everything he got for Wanda, was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for me.
“How did you know the wine bar was closed?”
His cheeks pinkened. “Website.”
That made sense. With everyone wondering where he was, I doubted he would’ve called either of the owners, particularly since they were in his circle of friends.
“Do you think your dad has told everyone not to worry?”
“I’ve no idea.”
“But he knows where you are?”
Beau shook his head. “He knows I’m taking the time away I need. He knows he can call whenever he’d like but, otherwise, not to expect to hear from me any more often than was the case, um, before.”
I nodded. “How often was that?”