Page 28 of Beau's Beloved
Actually, it wasn’t at all. Other than reading through a few annual reports, I paid little attention to my holdings. That was my brother’s job.
“Can I drive now? I’m kind of bored.”
“Of course.” I pulled off the road when I saw a service area, and we switched places. “Does Wanda need to, you know, do anything?”
Sam shook her head. “She’s not a dog.”
As if that explained it.
“Wow, this car, SUV, whatever, is amazing to drive,” she said several miles down the road. “I don’t even want to know what something like this cost.” She ran her hand over the displays on the dash and fidgeted with the controls of the panoramic sunroof. “Is there music?”
I hit the media button. “Your mobile is already connected, as is your preferred streaming service.”
Her eyes opened wide. “You’d be wise not to let me drive this too much.”
“Why’s that?”
“I won’t want to give it back.”
I smiled when she winked, hoping she’d feel that way when she discovered the title was in her name.
“Samantha, may I ask you something?”
She looked over at me and smirked. “Are you seriouslyaskingif it’s okay toaskme a question? When, in all the years I’ve known you, has it mattered?”
“Fair point. Anyway, do I have something on my face?”
“That’syour question?”
“Not exactly.” I turned my head and pointed to my right eye. “Here, perhaps?”
She glanced over at me, then back at the road. “I don’t think so. Why are you asking?”
“You appeared to be studying it, err, me. Well, not me, just my eye.”
She nodded.
“You’re admitting it.” I realized I could check in the mirror on the visor myself. I leaned in but didn’t see anything amiss.
“It twitches when you’re lying,” she said, barely loudly enough for me to hear her.
“It does not.”
“Tell me a lie, and see for yourself.”
“I can’t just come up with a lie on the spot,” I said, turning my head so she couldn’t see the right side of my face.
She raised a brow. “Did it twitch?”
“How about then?”
It had. Both times.