Page 49 of Beau's Beloved
“Sounds perfect.” It didn’t sound remotely so, especially the movie part, not that I’d rain on her parade, as they say.
“Or?” My eyes lit up.
“We could get lunch to go, return to our room, and check on Wanda, but forego the Five and Dime and the movie.”
I nuzzled her neck, kissing the soft spot beneath her ear. “And do what instead?”
“I could model your gift.”
My eyes rolled back in my head, and I groaned, imagining her in nothing but black lace. As far as foregoing anything, I’d be more than happy to skip lunch as well.
All I could think about now was how much I wanted Beau. Iachedfor him.
I’d happily go without eating if it meant he and I would be alone, naked, and making love sooner. Not that I thought he could. In fact, I was surprised he hadn’t mentioned being hungry.
Once in the SUV, I wondered if I was wrong about his need for food. The heat pouring off him, his intensity, God, just the way he looked at me had me burning with desire.
He raised my hand to his lips. “Samantha?”
“How, um, hungry are you?”
We stopped at a red light, and he leaned over. “Starved as a man could possibly be when he’s about to bed the woman he’s wanted for years.”
For years? Those words alone had me wanting to move his hand between my legs so he knew I wanted him as much or more than he did me.
“If I said I wanted to go straight to the inn, you wouldn’t mind?” My voice sounded low and husky.
When the light turned green, Beau pressed the gas pedal so hard the tires chirped. At the inn, he pulled up to the front, got out, and tossed the keys to the valet. When another came around to open my door, Beau nudged him out of his way. “I’ve got this,” I heard him growl.
He grabbed me around the waist and slid me down his body as he lowered me from the seat to the ground.
“I’ve a mind to put you over my shoulder,” he whispered in my ear.
I’d be all for it if it didn’t mean causing a scene as he stalked through the lobby. As it was, that he held my hand, practically pulling me after him, drew enough attention.
Once we were in the elevator, Beau crowded me against the wall. My pulse raced, and my hardened nipples chafed on the lace of the bra.
He lifted me as if I weighed nothing, holding my bottom with both hands so his hardness rested between my legs. His lips fell against mine, and he coaxed them open with his tongue. “Put your legs around my waist,” he said when the door opened.
Beau somehow managed to get the skeleton key in the lock with one hand while not letting go of me with the other. He kicked the door closed with his foot once we were in the room, then carried me past the bathroom and to the bed.
“I will tend to Wanda. When I return, I want you naked, waiting for me right here, Samantha.”
I nodded, fearing if I spoke, anything I said would come out as a groan. After shedding my coat and tossing it on the chair, I put my hands on the hem of my sweater to pull it over my head.
I froze when I heard him say, “Sam, wait,” from the other room. He stuck his head in the door. “Not naked. Bra and panties remain on.” He stalked over to me. “I cannot wait to kiss you again.”
My eyes drifted closed, but opened when I heard my cat meow.
“Drat. Wanda. Be right back.” Beau released me and nearly ran from the room.