Page 80 of Beau's Beloved
“We’re okay,” I murmured. “I’m just really tired.”
“I am as well.” He motioned to the stairs. “Shall we find a room to lie down in? The one we were in previously seemed quite nice.”
“What about Daphne?”
“What do you mean?”
“Do you want to talk to her?”
Beau put his arms around me and rested his forehead against mine like he had so many times in the last few days. “Now that I know she’s safe, I have no reason to worry. I trust Cru will sort things out.” He took a step back. “We’re both exhausted. Let’s rest.”
“Are you hungry?”
“Famished, actually. What sounds good?”
I shrugged. “Pizza?”
He pulled a card out of his back pocket. “That sounds fabulous, and I know just the guy to get it for us.”
Irang Grayson and ordered enough food for Sam and me, plus plenty to feed Decker and the rest of the guys.
“Would you mind if my sister rides along? She can help get everything out and ready once we arrive,” said Grayson.
“Not at all.” It occurred to me that Sam might appreciate having another female to chat with.
I went in search of her to give her an update on when the food would be delivered and found her sorting through a storage box.
“What’s all that?” I asked.
“Photos mainly, but there are also letters.” Sam pointed to a pile on the floor next to her.
“Have you read any?”
She shook her head. “It feels wrong to read Cena’s private correspondence.”
I lowered myself to the floor and picked one up. “I have several theories. First, if she was concerned about someone reading them, she shouldn’t have kept them around. Second, and not to be insensitive, but she’s dead, and it seems that everyone else in her family is too. Finally, what if there’s something in them that connects the two of you? Wouldn’t it be worth reading them to find out?”
“You’re right.”
“I came to tell you dinner will arrive in approximately thirty minutes.”
I peered over her shoulder when Sam didn’t appear to have heard me. “Is that Cena and Manley Jr.?” I asked.
She flipped the photo over. “Yes, and it says it was taken in 1974.” Sam looked at me more closely. “I wish I had a magnifying glass.”
I pulled out my mobile and opened the app that functioned in a similar way.
“Wow. This is cool.”
I wouldn’t tell her now, but her cell likely had the same feature. “What is it you’re trying to get a better look at?”