Page 83 of Beau's Beloved
“What’s the band’s name?”
“CB Rice. You ever heard of them?”
My eyes opened wide. “Of course I have. They’re brilliant.”
“Yeah. They’re good.”
“Now that you mention it, I remember something about them being from Colorado.”
Cord nodded.
I took a drink of the beer Grayson had so kindly included with our order, then leaned forward, keeping my voice low. “I’m sure you’re aware, based on the amount of security we’re adding if nothing else, that I will do whatever is necessary to protect Samantha. You asked for her consideration in keeping you on here so you would be able to fulfill the terms of your family’s trust. However, I will suggest otherwise unless you’re prepared to tell me the truth.”
Cord shifted so his back was to the other people in the room. “My guess is, like me, you’re trying to figure out how Sam fits into all this. I’m doin’ the same, except as it relates to me and why the hell I’m here. Until I know who I can trust and who I can’t, I’m taking in all the information that presents itself. Eventually, I hope to figure it all out.”
“Fair enough. I’d like to suggest that once the security system is in place and everyone else leaves, you, Sam, and I sit down and talk.”
“I heard Decker say he figures they’ll be done by the end of the day tomorrow.”
“Let’s tentatively plan to get together for dinner again.”
“Okay,” Cord mumbled before taking another bite of food.
I looked up at her when Sam approached with Juni on her heels. “What are the two of you up to?”
“I’m going to show Juni the box I found.”
“Good idea.” I was about to ask if I could join them when Decker walked in the front door. “I’ll be up in a bit.”
Sam followed my gaze. “Has there been an update about Daphne?”
I shook my head. “Not yet, but I’m about to ask.”
“We’re just about finished,” Decker said when I approached to invite him and the other guys to eat. “Perimeter monitoring is on for the portions we’ve secured. Either Snapper or Kick can give you the rundown on how it all works.”
“Copy that, and please have something to eat,” I said, motioning toward the kitchen.
“Boys, dig in,” Decker said to the three men who’d followed him inside.
“Any news on Cru and Daphne?”
“Affirmative. They’re on their way to Seahorse.”
“I see.” I wondered if Cru would inform my brother of my whereabouts, given he was on the way to his house. While it didn’t matter, I was in no mood for a lecture of any kind from Press.
I followed Decker’s gaze to Grayson.
“That’s one of the bellmen from the Roycroft. The food you see is from his family’s restaurant.”
“I know who he is. Where’d Juni go?”
“Upstairs with Sam. How, may I ask, do you know them?”
“It’s my business to know every person in the room. Even if they’re no longer in it.”
Decker walked away, leaving me stunned.