Page 99 of Beau's Beloved
“It was,” Decker responded.
“If you’ll excuse us, Samantha and I are going to—”
“Wait!” the attorney shouted. “I have something very important to tell you.”
“Can’t you tell us tomorrow?” I practically whined.
“Beau. Let him tell us.” One look in Sam’s imploring eyes, and I caved. I’d spend the rest of my life doing whatever she wanted, the very minute she wanted it.
“Let’s go inside,” she said.
“Should I, um, well, I’ll come back another time,” stammered Juni.
“Mr. Creola, is there any reason she has to leave?”
“None at all.”
I refused to let go of Sam’s hand as we climbed the steps, went in the front door, then as we walked over to the dining table.
“Beau, please,” she whispered, shaking her hand free. I let it go but put my hand on her back as she sat in the chair I’d managed to pull out for her. As soon as I sat beside her, I reached for her hand again. When she looked at me and smiled, my heart melted.
“I love you so much,” I whispered.
“I love you, Beau,” she whispered back.
“As I said, I have important things to tell you.”
The attorney glared at Decker when he took the seat beside him. I had a feeling he was only sitting in to annoy the poor man.
“The judge denied the request for injunction.”
“Great,” said Sam with little enthusiasm.
I squeezed her hand.
“And that means I can give you this.” He passed an envelope to her. Inside was a key, Cena’s death certificate, as well as a document certifying that Samantha was the sole beneficiary of Cena’s trust. “I’m not sure what went on here today, but visiting the bankcanwait until tomorrow. Although I’m going to suggest you go as soon as possible.”
My eyes met Sam’s. As much as I wanted to be alone with her, we’d have forever to do that. “Whatever you wish to do, my love.”
“I’d like to go now.”
I stood to pull out her chair but looked at the attorney. “Is there more?”
He shook his head. “I’ll be available if you have questions.”
“I have one, Paul,” said Decker.
Mr. Creola sighed and turned in his direction.
“How long have you known Sam was Cena’s great-granddaughter?”
Rather than answer Decker, the man turned to Samantha. “Thereisa letter from Mrs. Covert in the box. It explains everything.”
Samanthaand I rode in the backseat of the SUV. Cord drove, and Juni was in the passenger seat for moral support, as they said, should Sam need it. I was grateful to him for driving. Shock, adrenaline, fear, relief, and love coursed through my veins. If it weren’t for my darling Sam’s hands in mine, I had no doubt they would be shaking.
“Would you like me to come inside with you?” I asked when Cord pulled up to the bank.
“Has there been any part of this I’ve done without you?”