Page 36 of The Pucking Kiss
I put on my favorite song and started singing along at the top of my lungs. Bryan shook his head at me, laughing.
“Wow, you have really good taste in music,” he commented, causing blood to rush to my cheeks once again.
It was almost pathetic how just the smallest compliment from him could make me blush.
“Yeah, well, I made this playlist just for you,” I admitted, biting my lip. “I wanted something for us to listen to in the car.”
He observed me for a moment before putting his eyes back on the road.
“That’s some girlfriend shit, Romai. Making my playlists. What’s next?”
“Going to meet your father,” I joked.
His expression turned serious again, and I regretted bringing him up instantly.
“You know I don’t do relationships, though, right?” he said as if he didn’t want me to get my hopes up.
My heart sank. “Yeah… I wasn’t… I mean, technically, this isn’t a relationship, right?”
“It’s not,” he nodded. “But you’re a lot different from all the other girls I’ve dated. It’s like… You actually try, and I’m not even dating you.”
I was quiet, not knowing how to respond. Was that supposed to be a compliment? His words often confused me.
“Well, maybe you never dated the right girls.”
A part of me had hope that this could turn into something. I mean, Bryan and I got along really well. There was no one else I could rather go on a long road trip with when I had assignments piled up for school. But I did it for him.
“Maybe…” he trailed and then shook his head. “Hey, how about I play some other music now?”
He took the control from me and plugged in his phone. But just when he was about to hit play, his phone began ringing again.
It was his mother.
“Bryan,” her voice filled up the car, as his phone was now on speaker. “When were you going to tell me that you’re not home this weekend?”
Bryan shrugged, a tired look suddenly taking over his features. “I left you a note.”
“You did not ask me permission,” his mother seemed angry.
“It’s nice of you to finally notice, Mom,” he groaned, “But I should let you know that I’m going to go see Dad. If you’d just read the note, you’d have known. But, of course, you’d have to pay attention to that.”
His mother’s tone softened immediately. “You’re visiting your dad?”
“Yeah. I’m driving down there now.”
“Well… that changes things,” she sighed, “I’m happy that you’re taking this step. It worried him that you never wanted to speak to him. And though we have our differences, I’ve never wanted you to have a bad relationship with him.”
I reached out and grabbed Bryan’s hand. It was clear that he wasn’t the happiest when speaking to her.
“Yeah, mom. That’s why you never suggested I should go see him.”
“It’s not like that, Bryan,” she sighed. “I just didn’t want you thinking I’m forcing anything on you. But anyway, now that you’ve decided to go, just tell him I said hi. I hope you have a good time.”
“Bye, mom.”
Bryan hung up the phone, and I couldn’t get over how awkward the conversation with his mother had been. If it was weird for me just to listen in, I couldn’t imagine what it must be like for Bryan.
“Well, at least she took the news well?” I offered, trying to find something positive to say.