Page 3 of Ben
I’m gonna go straight to his place and take it right up the ass.
Yep, I’m addicted to my dad’s best friends. The three of them have been co-owners of the shop for at least fifteen years, and they’ve been friends for even longer. I’ve always thought Cash and Ford were hot, for as long as I’ve known I like men. But I was just a kid before, and they never spared me a second glance. It wasn’t until recently, now that I’m grown, that I finally decided to see if I could get what I’ve always wanted.
God, I’m going to hell when I die. Just straight on down. But it doesn’t stop me. It only excites me more. I’d probably fuck Lucifer at this point. That’s just who I seem to be—a guy who will fuck into eternity.
I question myself sometimes. Am I doing this to fill some gaping hole in my life? Sex has always been good, but something about them has made it different. Perhaps it’s because they’ve been a part of my life for so long. Perhaps there is some loneliness that I don’t want to deal with. Fuck knows. That’s for a therapist to look at in the future. The only gaping hole I want to think about is my ass when Ford is finished with it.
“You want to stay for dinner?” Cash asks, and my heart clenches in my chest. Because, no. I can’t stay. I’ve already made plans with his best friend. Those are the rules I have. I never stay. I might be fucking them both, unbeknownst to them, but I still feel slightly guilty. This is just sex, pure and simple. And they know it. This is not exclusive. I’ve told them that explicitly, and they both stared at me like I’d lost my mind.
Maybe I have lost it, but I cannot and will not fall in love with either of them.
That’s not possible…not an option. For many reasons.
“I can’t. I have other plans,” I say, and Cash runs a hand down his face. It’s always the same answer. I have plans. Plans that involve school, or work…or Ford.
And the same goes when I’m with Ford. He wants me to stay the night, wants to hold me, but I push him away.I’m tired. I can’t.And then I leave.
It’s a wonder they keep coming around with how little I’m giving them in return.
The sex must be amazing in their eyes.
“Alright. See you at work tomorrow?” Cash asks, and I nod, walking to the bathroom to clean myself up the best I can. I need to start pulling my cock out of my jeans when I jerk myself, but sometimes the heaviness of his dick in my mouth makes me lose all reason. I usually regret it afterward and will have to stop at home to clean up before going to Ford’s. As much as the thought of meeting with him covered in my own jizz, with someone else’s in my belly turns me on, it seems almost like a betrayal of sorts.
I mean, let’s be real. It is, but this one tiny boundary makes me feel a little better about myself.
When I come out of the bathroom, Cash is leaning against the door. He towers over me—big, muscled, and tattooed. His arms bulge and his thighs bunch under his jeans. He’s so fucking sexy. Hairy. Manly. I don’t know what he sees in me—a twenty-one-year-old with admittedly questionable taste in clothing and a timid personality. But I guess it’s working for him.
And Ford.
It’s working for both of them.
We areinsatiable.
Imagine what it would be like to have them at the same time, I think but then quickly push that thought away. No. That won’t ever happen. Never. It’s just a horny guy’s dream. I need to set that aside and never think of it again.
“Text me when you get home safely,” he says softly, and I peer up at him, biting my bottom lip. I want to kiss him, to run my tongue along the insides of his mouth, but I told myself I wouldn’t do that either. This is just sex. Kissing gives me all the feels.
Feels are something I can’t afford right now. I’m already walking a thin line. So kissing is off the table.
“Yeah, I will,” I say, reaching down and grabbing my book bag. I have one more semester left in college, and then I’m done. And it can’t come soon enough. I’m ready for it all to be over so I can just relax. Relax and enjoy my life. Maybe I’ll move away and start somewhere new where I can soothe my broken heart.
Because that’s what’s gonna happen at the end of this.
I’m going to be broken when it all comes to a head.
I can’t have my dad finding out. He’d see who I really am.
Who his friends are.
Everything would come crumbling down around us all.
I scoot past him and head to the front door, Cash following along behind me. Reaching around me, he opens the door, the musky smell of him making my cock twitch in my pants. God, I want to fall to my knees and suck him all over again. It’s becoming a problem.
“Bye, Ben,” he says lowly, and I give him a small wave before jogging down the steps to my car. As soon as I’m inside, I pull out my phone and see the missed messages from Ford. Fuck, he’s been waiting. I’m gonna get it so good from him for being late.
I glance once more at the doorway Cash lingers in and think that it was so fucking worth it.