Page 41 of Fight or Flight
“Who’s Nora?” Jenny questions when I take too long to answer.
“That’s a long story,” I whisper.
“Well, I’ve got time, Claire. You told me you came here for help...”
I did?
“... but to achieve that, I need to know what is going on.” She presses, and I can feel the sofa deepening as she sits next to me. “Let me help you.”
I finally pull enough courage to meet her gaze, and some of my anxiety lets out right away when I see her expression.
This is my best friend right here. She doesn’t look at me like I’m a freak, or a disappointment, or someone who should be pitied. No. Her eyes are full of compassion, understanding, and pain of her own.
Whatever I’m going through, she feels for me.
“I guess I just better show you. Do you have a car?”
“Yeah, but if you’re taking me somewhere, I need to take Henry with us. I don’t have anyone who’ll babysit him on such a short notice.”
“Who’s Henry?” I frown at her.
And for the first time since I came to, Jenny’s face lightens up, and she jumps to her feet and drags me with her.
“Come on, we’ll splash you with some cold water. When was the last time you ate? You look worse than I did as a teenager.”
“THIS IS YOUR KID?” I stand shyly to the side, my hair still wet from the cold shower Jenny threw me into. It wasn’t exactly pleasant, but the freezing water and the strong coffee my friend pushed into my hands helped me gain some clarity.
“Yup,” she smiles.
“He came out of you? Like... for real?” I question, my wide eyes on the cutest little boy with curly hair, just like Jenny's.
“Straight out of my vagina,” she smirks and goes to stand in front of the kid who’s yet to acknowledge our presence as he builds a complicated-looking structure from plastic elements.
“But how?” I can't wrap my head around it.
“Do you mean it as a technical question or more like a philosophic one?”
Jenny laughs and nudges the little boy with her foot to get his attention.
“What do you say we go on a little trip with Aunt Claire?”
“Okay,” he replies simply, and without any further due puts his toys away and grabs the hand Jenny extends toward him, eyes bright and fully innocent.
The picture makes me want to cry, but I just smile at him when he gives me a scanning look that is too insightful to fit on his chubby little face.
“Are you sad?” He asks and doesn’t wait for an answer. “Mommy was sad today.”
Jenny grimaces and rubs her belly, revealing a small bump as the oversized t-shirt she’s wearing flattens under her hand.
She either ate a large breakfast, or she’s producing another human soon. And I don't understand why, but the thought makes me even more depressed.
“Can we go now? Because I already left Nora alone for too long.” I address Jenny, remembering that I left the little girl like the irresponsible no-brain that I turned into.
“Sure, let’s go. And you can start talking when we’re on the road.” Jenny throws me a challenging look, and I hang my head as I walk after her.