Page 74 of Fight or Flight
“That’s great. Congrats,” I say thickly, and my fists clench at my sides.
“Aidan, Claire went into rehab,” he announces like we are talking about the weather, and I stare at him.
The confusion is instant. “Rehab? Why?”
“I don’t know, man. That was her decision after she woke up in the hospital. Of course, we respected her wishes and drove her to a facility she chose.”
“Where is it? Can I contact her?” I step closer, eager to hear her voice to make sure that she’s actually safe.
“No, I’m sorry. She specifically asked us not to tell you,” he declares, looking awkward.
“What?” My heart breaks, as well as my voice.
“Yeah...” he rubs his chin between his fingers and then seems to remember something. “Oh, she asked me to give you this.”
He walks to the small desk in the corner and takes out a small white envelope from the top drawer before handing it to me.
The simple, almost child-like handwriting on the top has my name on it, and I have to blink rapidly to get rid of the tears. I open it and read.
Aidan, I’m so sorry for leaving. I heard what you did and how you risked your life to get me away from that basement. I don’t think there are words to express how much I love you and how much the thoughts about you helped me down there.
But there is something I must do for us now, too. I’m willing to fight the obstacles, too. Ready to fight my demons to ensure our future is safe.
Please, don’t give up on us.
Love always, Claire.
“Are you okay, man?” Brody asks me tentatively after I’ve been staring at the paper for too long and rereading every word four times.
She didn’t leave me. At least not permanently if I can trust the words in front of my eyes.
We’re going to be fine. I have to believe that, and I have to give her the time to heal properly.
I collect myself and carefully fold the piece of paper to hide it in my pocket before I face Brody. He eyes me like I’m a wounded animal, and he’s unsure whether I will pounce or freak out on him.
His face is almost shocked when I smile and say, “Yeah, man. I’m okay. We’re going to be okay.”