Page 10 of Fight for Me
Brody scoffs. “Thought you would have better taste in men, considering.”
“Officer, are you proposing something?” I waggle my eyebrows.
“Stop with this shit,” Brody responds, his voice dark. “That’s not why I’m here today.”
“So, what brings you here? I doubt you came to stalk me on school grounds only to ask me about my sex life.”
“I didn’t...” He growls, but shakes his head and starts again. “First, technically we’re not on school grounds here.”
“Sounds exactly like something a predatory stalker would say,” I mumble.
Brody ignores me and continues. “Second, I’m not stalking you, I’m just looking for you, so we could talk. I came all the way here to ask you about something privately, so can you please get in the car?” he asks, in a tone that indicates he’s done with me trying to be funny.
I grimace, but begrudgingly get into the passenger seat. I can already guess what is it that he wants to ask me. It always goes similarly. He wants me to admit that I’m abused and file a report. I tell him to fuck off, and he will get angry and frustrated. I will get defensive and the next thing you know, the doors are slumming. Next week he will seek me out again and we will continue with this bullshit. Why bother? I wonder what’s in it for him if I fuck up my father’s reputation by running my mouth.
After I’m seated, I look between the two of us and chuckle. “You know, this looks shady as fuck that you are luring underage girls into your car right outside of school.”
“If someone had a problem with it, I would just tell them that you’re my informant,” he states calmly in a husky voice.
I look at him incredulously. “What the fuck, Brody? So, not only will I be seen as a trashy slut, but you also want people at school to think that I’m a fucking narc?”
He frowns at me. “Why would anyone call you a slut?”
When I just snort disdainfully, he sighs and drops the subject, only to switch to his law enforcement routine.
“Did you think more about my proposition?”
I pick at my nails and ask, “What proposition would that be?”
“Don’t play with me, Jen. You know this is about your safety. How are things at your house?”
“The usual,” I answer and look away.
Brody snorts. “That could mean anything in your case. But at this point, I would be surprised if you responded differently. There’s something else I wanted to talk about.”
I look back at him, and can tell he’s not sure if it’s the right call to share with me.
“I didn’t think it was an issue before, but I’ve been keeping an ear out to try and maybe get something useful on the sheriff. For a while now, there’s been rumors about your father drinking on the job and getting reckless or using too much force. For now, people are tight-lipped, just whispering, but I wonder if they’re not covering for him with other things too.”
I mask my reaction with a bored expression and slump in the seat. “I don’t know what you want me to say. I have no idea why people think it’s okay to spread rumors like that about their boss.”
Brody hits the steering wheel in frustration, making me jump. “Damn it, Jen. I want you to tell me if he’s been getting worse. I want you to tell me what the fuck is going on, so maybe I could help you. Not only that, but I want to bring this motherfucker down, so he doesn’t hurt anyone ever again.”
“Why the fuck do you care?” I ask, throwing my arms up in exasperation.
“I just do!” he booms.
“You’re fucking obsessed or something. Ever since you came to fucking Bell Ridge, you’re on a mission to be a pain in my ass. I told you, I don’t know what the fuck you are on about. Everything is fucking fine! If you have problems with your boss, do something about it yourself, don’t fucking use me in your vendetta against my father!”
Brody rears back, offended. “That’s not what I’m doing, Jen. God-damn it!”
“Oh yeah? You always want me to be open with you, but you’re never so open when it comes to your motives!”
“I’m a fucking police officer, that’s what I’m supposed to be doing.” He growls.
“Funny. Where’s your uniform, Officer?” I ask mockingly. “Where’s the police car, huh? Why are you questioning a minor without the parent’s consent?”
When Brody starts to stare out of the windshield, breathing heavily and doesn’t reply, I mutter, “That’s what I thought.”