Page 27 of Fight for Me
I feel nauseous when I look at Wallace’s smirk in disbelief. “How the fuck did you track her?”
Once again he laughs and then tsks as if he’s disappointed in me. “Track her? I knew exactly where she was the whole time. Again, so it gets through your thick skull, I have eyes everywhere in town. I know everything that happens around here. I was just biding my time and thinking of a way to get rid of you.”
“Oh! Look, again, like clockwork!” Wallace lifts the phone and this time I can see that it’s Jen calling me. “Such a shame you won’t be there to rescue her. But don’t worry, I will take over for you. At first, I didn't understand why you were all losing your heads over that ugly slut, but after the last time when I got my first feel of that sweet pussy, I have to admit she’s got that something. Can’t wait to dive right back in there,” he taunts me with a sickening grin.
“You motherfucker!” I roar and start trashing in the chair, making it wobble, as Wallace laughs mockingly and licks his fingers in a vulgar way. “You’re fucking dead! I’ll fucking kill you!”
I struggle to get free, wanting to rip that fucker apart with my bare hands. What he’s suggesting makes my blood feel like liquid lava under my skin, and for a moment, I don’t feel weak. I don’t feel the pain. I just see red. If I could just put my hands on him, I would pummel him to the ground, and no one would be able to tell what it was from his remains afterward.
“Boss! Everything’s in place. The gang signs are in place. We’re ready to go.” One of the officers, Owens, comes in and spares me a quick glance with a grimace before looking away.
“Great!” Wallace drops my phone, making it shatter on the floor, and claps his hands once. “It was nice knowing you, Agent.” He turns and marches away as he yells out, “Light it up, boys!”
Two unknown men walk in with cans and start pouring from them alongside every wall. Don’t have to be a genius to guess it's gasoline. They do their job without acknowledging me, even as I begin to struggle so hard that the chair gives up on me and I fall to the floor.
“Fuck!” I hiss and try to see if I can get any part of the chair to break, but it’s pointless, even for somebody my size.
The two goons walk out, and I hear a sharp whistle outside before a wild-spreading fire envelopes the whole warehouse within two seconds.
Great, I’m going to die here, and it’s all thanks to my own stupidity and hotheadedness.
The growing flames start climbing the walls and encircle me completely from all sides. My throat starts burning from the heavy smoke I inhale with each breath. Before I will myself to try getting the ties loose on my arms again, I hear faint sounds of footsteps and coughing and squint to see what’s happening around me. Diaz runs in my direction, trying to avoid the blazing fire with a jacket wrapped around his mouth and nose.
“Run, you stupid asshole!” I seethe, but he doesn’t listen, just runs up and starts cutting the ties with his pocketknife hastily. His hands are shaking.
When I’m freed from the chair, I roll over and try to get to my feet, but lose balance and almost topple over. I’m quickly pulled by my arm and together with Diaz we shuffle to the exit.
Suddenly, a loud boom reaches my ear and I feel something slam into the right side of my chest. The burning piece of wood that fell from the ceiling scorches my skin, and I instinctively push it away before dropping to my knees with an agonized roar, pulling Diaz down with me.
“Come on, man. We’re almost out.” Diaz’s muffled voice is pleading. I look into his scared eyes, and I know I can’t be responsible for making orphans out of this guy’s kids. So with the last remains of strength, I pull myself up once again and stumble out before the roof collapses. I land on the ground and start coughing, my whole body is trembling and in shock. My right shoulder and pec reek with the smell of burned flesh.
Diaz crouches next to me and then falls on his ass just as FBI cars start pulling in, the firetruck right behind them.
“They took their fucking time,” I croak in between coughs.
“Yeah, didn’t take me seriously at first. Took me time to present the entire situation since you didn’t let in anyone on your genius plan,” Diaz wheezes and glances at me before refocusing on the people running around and feds making calls. I see an ambulance pull up with the corner of my eye, when he continues, “Do me a favor, Brody.”
“Anything, man,” I grunt right away and try to keep my need to cough in check.
“If you pull through, leave, I don’t want to ever see you again,” Diaz states with a serious face.
“You got it,” I reply, and then my eyes roll before I promptly pass out.