Page 74 of Sunshine
“Remi, wait.”
Sighing, he turned to tell him not to bother trying to change his mind, but there was a sharp prick on the side of his neck before he could say anything. He gaped at the syringe in Thad’s hand as he watched impassively as Remi slumped against the seat, losing control of his muscles and vision dimming.
“The party’s just getting started, freak.”
* * *
Remi woke in little bursts, his head heavy and so full he was afraid it was going to explode. He couldn’t see, and he had no idea where he was, and terror crept up his spine as he gained more awareness. Wiggling his hands, he realized he wasn’t tied, but his arms felt like they were made of Gargoyle stone.
A voice spoke—small and trembling and so familiar it filled Remi with the worst sense of dread he’d ever experienced. He forced his head to turn, and he saw two small figures sitting on a stained mattress on the floor over in the corner of the room.
“Is he alived?”
It was the terror in his siblings’ voices that filled his limbs with strength, and he pushed himself halfway up before a heavy boot kicked him back to the ground. Remi let out a rush of air, pain exploding through him, then turned his head to see Thad looming over him with a sick grin on his face.
“What… the f-fuck?” he managed.
Thad snorted. “You seriously have to ask that?”
Remi attempted to swallow, but his mouth felt like it was filled with cotton. “Yes. What the fuck?”
Thad rolled his eyes and kicked Remi again, sending him sprawling onto his back. The twins began to scream, but Remi held up his hand before Thad could get pissed and take it out on them.
“Gods, it was you the whole time, wasn’t it?” Remi finally said. His brain was a foggy mess, but it was still connecting the pieces.
Thad shrugged when Remi forced his pain-filled head to look at him. “It wasn’t just me. I have friends in high places, but they couldn’t get their hands dirty. It was easy for me to volunteer, considering what you fucking did to my family.”
Remi blinked and pushed himself halfway up. He tried not to make eye contact with the twins. If he did, he’d panic, and then they’d panic. “I didn’t do anything to your family. Thad, what the hell are you—”
Thad kicked him in the face, sending him flying back, and he hit the floor as white-hot pain burst across his jaw, and the twins began to scream. Stars burst behind his closed eyes, and he was positive if he’d been fully human, Thad would have just broken something.
“Shut the fuck up!” Thad shouted, stomping across the room, and then there was silence.
Panicked and panting, Remi forced his vision to clear until he could make out what was happening, finding the twins gagged and bound where they were huddled together against the wall. Remi felt rage like he’d never known in his life course through him, but before he could do anything more than flip onto his stomach and push up on his shaky arms, Thad landed on his back and grabbed him by the throat, shoving something sweaty and gross past his teeth.
“Don’t you get any ideas, Siren,” Thad sneered.
He secured the gag behind Remi’s head with something hard that cut into the corners of his mouth, then grabbed him by the arms and hauled him to his feet, marching him over to the twins. The world spun, and Remi’s weak legs collapsed the moment he was near the mattress. He had no strength to fight when Thad began to tie his arms behind his back. Dizziness was swamping him, and nausea was building in his belly. It was all he could do to stay conscious, too worried about the twins to let the blackness creeping at the edge of his vision take him over.
“See, you think we’re all stupid, but the fact is humans have been studying you things for generations. Learning where you’re weak. Learning how you operate. Learning how to hurt you the most.” He leaned into Remi’s face, grinning in a way that made him question the guy’s sanity. “Imagine my happiness when you started parading your disgusting mate around campus for everyone to see. I knew exactly what to do as soon as I realized who he was to you.”
Remi met Thad’s crazed eyes and shook his head, but Thad just laughed.
“Don’t play stupid. It won’t work. I’ve had eyes on you since your parents dragged you back home. I know who he is—and what he is. I know he’s bitten you and fucked you, and I know what that means.” Thad pressed his thumb to Remi’s bite mark before he could jerk away, and something primal took hold of him.
Remi snarled around the gag, feeling blistering hot all over, and lunged at Thad, landing his shoulder square in Thad’s chest and sending him flying back several feet away.
The heat began to ebb, but the pain and dizziness had lessened too. Remi felt stronger than he had since waking. He knew what that was, even as his brain tried to deny it, had been denying all the clues around him since he’d met Jeremiah.
Thad straightened up, then laughed as he tugged on the hem of his shirt. “Cute. But it doesn’t matter. The world’s going to know what monsters you all are soon enough. Your fucking mutt of a mate is going to lose his shit and go feral when he realizes you’re dead, and he’s going to tear everything in this room apart. Including the children.”
Remi heard the twins whimper, and he reached for them as best he could. He felt two tiny hands grip his, and he held them as tight as he dared. His gaze found Thad’s again, and he glared at him, wishing he could gouge his eyes out with the power of his mind.
“Don’t look at me like that. You’re all the fucking same. Home-wrecking whores who think they can have whatever they want. I watched what that bitch did to my family. She seduced my father, ruined his marriage, and left with everything. And somehow, our government expects everyone to just accept having you things living among us?”