Page 100 of Breaking Trey
The man seemed a bit surprised, as if he was anticipating pushback from Rogue. “I am a little concerned about the proximity.”
Rogue scoffed. “Nothing healthier than a little competition. And with my protection, it won’t be a problem.”
Dahlia was definitely missing parts of the conversation, but from what she gathered, Rogue had land that he was willing to lease. Something felt off, though, as if she was missing pertinent details.
Trey got out of the SUV parked in the back of the bar. A spot had been cleared for their arrival. He glanced up at the back of the building. It wasn’t much to look at, but it had been around since he was a kid. He’d even ventured in a few times in his teens with Rogue. They were open to new bands. Some good, some were shit.
The ownership had changed hands quite a few times, but the policy of protection had remained intact with every new owner. There was no way around it. The Underground took their cut from everyone.
Trey didn’t know Wrigley, the owner, personally, but Ridge did and made the call and arrangements. As they exited the truck and started toward the back door, Trey glanced over at Ridge.
“Any issues with the owner?”
Ridge smiled. “Not one. He said they’re a shit band anyway. No loss on his end. He’s got them holed up in the back room reserved for the talent. He’s got bouncers at the end of the hall to keep everyone out, but I think you should send Cy for extra measure.”
Trey nodded. Just as they reached the door, a dark-haired woman rounded the building. Trey gave a sharp nod, and she fell in line behind Caine.
The employee entrance had been left unlocked. As they entered, Ridge gestured to the door on the left. Cyrus continued down the hall, leaving three men and one woman. Trey walked in without knocking. The stench in the room was disgusting, along with the chaos and disarray.
There were three men and one woman situated in the small space. One of the guys looked up and squinted.
“This is a private area, man. Talent only.”
Talent? Trey resisted the urge to roll his eyes. You must be Dave.
Another guy pushed forward, standing in the center of the room.
“Hold up. You guys here with a label?”
Ridge sidled up next to Trey, smiling. “I’m pretty sure you’ve never heard of our label.”
Trey tightened his lips, holding back his smile. The Underground was its own type of secret society. And Trey was about to make it known exactly who they were and why they were there.
“We’re not here for the show. I believe you had a recent altercation with one of my employees.” Trey stepped farther into the room, watching the realization set in as the men looked over his shoulder to Caine and Ridge.
“No, man, we didn’t have an altercation with anyone.”
Trey fisted his hands and folded his arms. “The handprint on Dahlia’s face says different.”
“Fuck!” The hushed groan came from the man closest to the corner. Trey kept a careful eye on him, knowing he was seconds from attempting to escape.
“She came at us, man. Went fucking crazy.”
Trey scoffed, narrowing his gaze. “Dave, right?”
The man nodded, and Trey noticed a woman clutching the back of his shirt. And you must be Belinda.
“Was that before or after you forced your way into her home?”
Dave held up his hands. “No forcing, man. It’s my girl’s place. We were stopping by to grab some of her things, and the bitch went fucking psycho. Trust me, you don’t know Dahlia, she’s crazy…”
Trey slowly nodded, eyeing the woman and then back to the man. “That’s where you’re wrong. I do know her, and unfortunately for you, I believe the story she told me. Four on one. Does that sound like a fair fight to you?”
The room was drowned in silence.
Trey straightened his shoulders. “You want to fight someone? We’d be happy to make that happen. The odds are in your favor. As you can see, there’s only three of us and four of you.” Trey purposely paused and turned to the woman hiding behind her man. “From what I understand, you don’t shy away from a fight.”