Page 112 of Breaking Trey
This shouldn’t hit so hard. But it did.
It was another half hour before the bar area was spotless. Dahlia didn’t partake in the usual afterhours teasing or shit-talking with patrons. She kept quiet and did her job, hearing his voice replay over and over in her head. This isn’t a relationship, and there is no us. Dahlia should have seen this coming, and if she’d been honest with herself, maybe she had. All the signs were there but it was the mixed signals that gave her hope. I was wrong.
The bar had cleared out with everyone going home. Aaron walked over, smiling. “You two done for the night?”
Killian grabbed his jacket from the bench. “Yeah, I’ll walk Dahlia out. You need a ride home, Dahl?”
“No, I have a car service coming.”
Aaron cleared his throat.
“Actually, Trey wants to see you before you leave, Dahlia.”
Oh, I bet he does. It would have been easy to give in, and there was a part of her that wanted to. Dahlia would’ve loved to have it all resolved, hear Trey apologize, and give her forgiveness. But that’s not how it would play out, and Dahlia knew it. She’d be the one accepting whatever Trey gave her simply because she was half in love with him. Half? That was an understatement, which had her standing firm. Dahlia wasn’t someone willing to be another’s dirty little secret. She wasn’t equipped to handle falling for a man who only wanted to acknowledge her when it was convenient for him. Tonight proved that. Trey couldn’t have it both ways. I deserve better.
Dahlia straightened her shoulders and smiled over at Aaron. “I’ve already clocked out.”
Aaron cocked his head, seemingly surprised with her response. He shared a look with Killian, then both men turned toward her. This must have been a first. Dahlia would bet her bank account that an employee had never turned down Trey when called to his office. Looks like I’m popping another cherry, Trey!
Aaron walked to the edge of the bar, scanning her face. “Is that what you want me to tell Trey?”
It wasn’t meant as a threat, but Aaron was issuing a warning.
“That’s exactly what I want you to tell him. I’m off the clock, no longer working for him tonight. Surely, a man like Trey would understand. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t work for free, so why should I?”
“Dahl,” Killian said, and she immediately whipped her head.
“Should I work for free?” Dahlia snapped.
“No.” Killian paused, glancing over at Aaron. “I’m sure Trey would compensate for the overtime.”
Aaron nodded, and then they both turned back to her.
“Overtime isn’t necessary. He can keep his money. Whatever he has to say to me can wait until tomorrow when my next shift starts. Have a good night, guys!” Dahlia didn’t bother waiting on a response and walked through the room and out the door.
Thankfully, her car service was waiting on her. It was a clean getaway.
I fucked up!
Trey knew it the second the words left his mouth. It was a hard blow. What he and Dahlia shared was the true definition of a relationship, and he’d disregarded it as nothing more than a quick fuck. And that stung. He saw it in her face and in her eyes. This woman was giving him everything freely and basically asked for nothing in return. Except the one thing he refused to give her. Acknowledgment.
Trey glanced at his phone then to the door. It shouldn’t have taken this long. His meeting with Oz couldn’t be pushed back, and at this point he’d have to leave in ten minutes.
He walked around his desk, grabbing his coat when Aaron walked in.
“I’m sorry, sir, Dahlia’s already left.”
Trey stilled, eyeing Aaron. He was well aware Dahlia had been in the building when he sent Aaron down to get her.
Aaron rocked his jaw to the side, giving every indication he was nervous. Trey folded his arms but remained silent. Waiting.
Aaron cleared his throat. “She seemed to have been in a rush and…”