Page 135 of Breaking Trey
“I don’t think so.”
Rogue laughed, reaching into his pocket. “Well, then I’m happy to share with that motherfucker. This is like fucking Christmas.”
Dahlia knew when Blade found out, he’d be livid, especially after getting the call from Rogue. She had to think of something, anything, that would resolve this and lessen Sloane’s chances of getting caught. Dahlia scooted to the edge of her seat.
“Blade’s on a run,” Dahlia blurted and swallowed the lump in her throat when all eyes veered to her. “And members aren’t allowed any communication during runs unless it’s with Gunner. It’s an East rule.”
I think. Dahlia wasn’t one hundred percent sure of the rule, but it seemed believable. To her. She turned to Trey, ignoring his deep scowl, and forced a smile. Trey didn’t seem to put much value into her statement, but she was prepared for a plan B.
“Then we got a fucking problem, don’t we?” Rogue’s snarky tone echoed through the room.
Dahlia drew in a breath, “I have an idea.”
Oz grabbed his glass and lifted his chin. “I’m sure we’d all be interested in hearing your thoughts.”
“Well, if Trey is willing to take me home, um, Sloane’s not too far out of the way.” She cleared her throat. “We can just give her a ride. I mean, aside from the theft, which I offered to pay back. I don’t really see any reason to bring Blade into this.”
Oddly, her resolution seemed to get a reaction from all three men, and not a good one.
“You don’t?” Oz’s gaze darkened.
“No,” she whispered. The less Blade knew, the better off Sloane would be.
Oz took a sip of his drink and placed the glass down, sharing a look with Trey, who remained silent. It was as if they were having a silent conversation. As the seconds lingered on, she shifted in her seat, ignoring the beads of sweat forming on her forehead. Slowly, her heart started to race. Someone say something!
“So,” Dahlia blurted, gaining the men’s attention. “What do you think?”
Oz looked over at Trey. “Call Gunner.”
Dahlia didn’t think it was possible, but it seemed like she’d just made the situation worse. Shit! The only saving grace was Trey making the call as opposed to Rogue. Hopefully, Trey’s delivery would somehow lessen Sloane’s punishment.
“Do you see the problem?” Oz asked. He wasn’t speaking to her.
She glanced up at Trey, who was staring back at Oz. Even Rogue, who’d been hyped to make the call to Blade, stopped and shifted his gaze between Oz and Trey. The silence was deafening as she watched the men. Finally, Trey answered.
What does that mean? Was Dahlia the problem? This night had gone to complete shit, and now her relationship with Trey was in jeopardy.
“I’m sorry, Trey,” she whispered, and his head jerked, and his scowl deepened. Dahlia leaned closer. “Really sorry.”
Trey grasped her jaw. “You don’t apologize for this.”
There was a clear meaning behind his statement. She just didn’t know what it meant.
“Is this still just an incident?” Oz asked the question, but Trey kept his gaze locked on Dahlia.
“It’s personal.” Trey stroked her cheek.
It seemed like such an intimate moment happening in front of an audience. She should have been embarrassed, or at the very least aware of the eyes watching them. But she wasn’t. It was as if it was just the two of them in a room.
“You get him,” Oz said.
Him? Who? Dahlia had no idea, but Trey clearly did.