Page 162 of Breaking Trey
They’d arrived in record time and been given word twenty minutes ago that Oz’s team had infiltrated and successfully gathered Stark and all his men. Dahlia was safe. There was very little detail given on the phone, which was expected.
When they pulled up to the safe house, Trey opened and stepped out of the SUV before it actually stopped. Two of Oz’s men were stationed at the front door, and as Trey passed, both men stepped to the side.
“Through the living room and down the hall. They’re waiting for you.”
Trey didn’t hesitate, following the directions, and as he rounded the wall in the living room, he stared back at Oz, Ridge, Noelle, and Caine. It shouldn’t have even caught his attention, but Caine being the largest of Oz’s security and usually meticulously dressed, was wearing only an undershirt and pants. The thought was fleeting, and he stopped next to the door.
“Where is she?”
“Safe,” Oz said, not elaborating. He lifted his chin to Ridge.
“We have them all secured in the basement. We got twelve of ours watching them, with Cy taking the lead. The perimeter is completely covered, including a few lined up for about a mile down the road.”
“How many with Stark?” Trey asked and shared a look with Rogue.
Rogue nodded. “That sounds about right. I want them all accounted for. Any missing? I want that done by the fucking morning.”
“Nash is tracking down everyone now.” Ridge said.
Rogue moved to grab the door handle.
“Wait, just Trey,” Noelle said.
“Are you fucking giving me orders?” Rogue snapped.
Noelle opened her mouth and then quickly veered her gaze to Caine, who stepped up next to him. It may have been relying on his gut instinct, but an unrelenting sense of dread and foreshadowing washed over Trey. As he scanned the faces of Caine, Ridge, and Noelle, none of them would look him in the eyes. They were trained on Oz.
“Ridge.” Oz nodded, keeping his eyes locked on Trey. Obviously, Oz had already been debriefed on the situation, which only amped up his tension. Oz watched him much like he had when they were kids. Waiting for Trey’s reaction. He knew that even with his impressive control, everyone had their limits.
“Our intention was to infiltrate quietly. We had the house surrounded while waiting for Oz to arrive. He was about five minutes out. We had pretty much marked out where they’d been in the house but hadn’t gotten eyes on Dahlia.” Ridge paused, drawing in a breath. Hesitating.
“Fucking speak!” Rogue shouted.
“Caine heard her scream and gave the order to rush the house. He kicked open the door.” Ridge gestured to the door behind Trey. “Shot one of Stark’s men.”
“Which one?” Trey asked.
Trey balled his hands and squared his jaw. He’d given strict instructions that Sean was not to be touched. At least, not yet. Trey wanted to make sure he suffered.
“I acted on instinct,” Caine said.
“Why?” Trey asked.
The silence should have told him everything, but he needed the words.
“Why?” Trey snapped. Every molecule of his body heated with an uncontrollable rage. It was almost suffocating. His mind warped, and the visual, even without precise detail, was so vivid.
“Her clothes were torn, her bottom half naked, and he had her pinned down on the floor.”
Nothing in his life, even his own experience, could have prepared him for the absolute rage running through his body.
“Trey.” Noelle’s voice was soft. “Caine offered her his shirt to cover her up, but she refused to take it. I think she’s in shock and scared. I—” She cleared her throat. “—stayed with her for a little while, but it didn’t calm her down. I think she’s in so much shock that she can’t quite see beyond her fear. I thought it was best to leave her alone.”
Trey dragged his hand over his mouth.