Page 17 of Breaking Trey
“Look at me!” His tone was harsher than he’d intended, but it got her attention. Dahlia glanced up, her lips pulled down in a severe frown. For a brief second, he considered backing off.
But he didn’t.
“That’s not what you thought when I commented about your experience. Your mind went in an entirely different direction, all because you walked in here thinking you knew me better than you actually do. In fact, you don’t know me at all, but it didn’t stop you from making judgments, did it?”
Her cheeks pinkened, but she kept her head bowed.
“Did it?” Trey snapped, and she jerked her head up.
“No,” she whispered. “I’m sorry.”
There was a long stretch of silence while Trey dealt with something he usually didn’t have to contend with. Guilt. He cupped his mouth, watching her shift slightly and grasp the edge of her shirt. This whole interview had been an absolute clusterfuck. He’d come at her hard, and her retaliation only fueled his fire. It was rare anyone challenged Trey. But she had and was now paying the price. Somehow, he didn’t take any joy in it. His intent wasn’t to embarrass her, but he wouldn’t sit by allowing her to make assumptions about him. He was well aware of Dahlia’s reputation in the MC, and more importantly, her title. Club whore. It was crude and offensive, though she didn’t seem to see that as a problem until she thought he was holding it against her.
“I’ll go back to my original statement. You don’t have the experience to bartend at this club. What little you do have, however, is enough for barback. If you’re interested, I’ll consider you for that position.”
Dahlia cleared her throat and straightened her shoulders. She’d lost every ounce of confidence she’d had when she walked in, but she was seemingly trying to muster up enough to walk out with her head held high. As she should.
“Thank you. I’d appreciate it.”
“Sloane will be in touch in the next few weeks.”
“Sounds good,” Dahlia muttered and stood. She rounded her chair without any further eye contact. It didn’t stop Trey from watching her. His gaze scanned over her ass and down her legs. She was showing more skin than most women who came in for an interview. Her skirt was tasteful but very short. Much like her shirt, it was a cheap knockoff. Trey wasn’t necessarily into labels, but as he’d gotten older and increased his worth, he’d enjoyed the finer things. He’d earned it. His time of starving for days, sleeping in dark alleys, and freezing during the winter months were long past him. But he never forgot where he’d come from and the work he’d done to get where he was. Much like Dahlia, contrary to what she might’ve believed, Trey hadn’t had the best life, and he didn’t come from money. He’d struggled and had a lot of people look down on him until he’d earned their respect.
And you just earned mine, Dahlia.
Chapter Four
“Just five more minutes,” Dahlia mumbled.
She kept her eyes closed as she massaged the heel of her foot. Ten days and nine hours…in heels. She wasn’t sure what was worse, her bruised toes or the blisters. And let’s not forget my dignity.
She pressed her thumb into the arch of her foot, vowing to soak them the next chance she got. As much as she loved heels, wearing them for a long shift at the bar wasn’t pleasant. She missed the days of bartending at East in her sneakers.
Dahlia looked over at the clock in her kitchen. She’d have at least another thirty minutes to relax before it was time to get ready for work. I hate this job. Dahlia had major regret over giving her notice to East before she’d solidified the position at the Bowery. She could hear her father’s voice in her head giving a mini-speech and words of wisdom—never leave a job unless you have another set up. No better advice was ever given. Unfortunately, she hadn’t taken it. After her disastrous interview with Trey, she’d considered reaching out to Gunner and asking if she could come back. He probably would’ve allowed it, but it wouldn’t change her predicament. Bartending at the clubhouse didn’t pay enough to cover her rent and bills, especially now with all the expenses falling on her.
Dahlia was still having no luck in her search for a roommate. She again had quite a few men interested, but she was holding out for a woman. It made more sense and was what she was comfortable with. But her days were numbered with her finances. If she didn’t find a female roommate soon, she’d have no other choice except to take in a man.
Dahlia grabbed her phone to set her alarm for a quick nap, and at the same time, it rang. She smiled down at the screen and immediately answered.
“Hey, it’s Sloane.”
“I know.” Dahlia chuckled. “How’s it going?”
“Good, a little disappointed though. I thought you were coming to the party last night at East. Karia said she tried texting you a few times but hadn’t heard back. Everything okay?”
Dahlia smiled, feeling the love to the depth of her soul. She’d always been a girl’s girl. Even with all the male attention she’d received, Dahlia loved her girlfriends, especially those she’d met through the MC. Dahlia had seen the texts last night but hadn’t gotten the chance to respond. For the second night in a row, she’d been forced to work through her break. There had to be laws against that, but she didn’t have the knowledge or the energy to fight it. She was also in no position to risk losing her job if she complained. It may not have been her first choice, but it paid more than East, and she was getting a lot of hours. So what if she had to fend off propositions every fifteen minutes and tolerate ass-grabbing every once in a while? I need this job.
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I meant to text her back. I crashed when I got home. I wanted to come, but I’ve been really busy.”
“Well, I have great news. Are you sitting down?”
Thankfully. “Yes.”
“Trey approved your application. Can you start tomorrow? There will be a three hour orientation, and you’ll be issued your uniforms. You get three. Probation lasts about six months, and you’ll train for the first two. I’ve matched you up with Killian. He’s great, you’ll love him.”
Dahlia barely heard anything after “Trey approved your application.” What the…? He was hiring her? In what world did that shitshow of an interview cultivate into getting the job? Dahlia had thought for sure when she walked out of his office that it would be the last time she’d see him. It was only slightly disappointing. While the man was a dream to look at, it was clear he was less than impressed with her. It shouldn’t have bothered her as much as it did. The only saving grace was knowing they’d never see each other again.