Page 175 of Breaking Trey
“I’ve been summoned to the boss’s office.” Dahlia pointed up to the ceiling and raised her brows.
Sloane smiled. “What did you do?”
Dahlia shrugged. “Don’t know yet. But Trey’s not happy. If you want to run interference in about ten minutes, that’d be great.”
Sloane winked and lifted her chin. “I got your back.”
Dahlia snickered, waved to Sloane, and headed to the end of the hall and up the stairs to the balcony. Once she made it to the landing, she scanned the room and sucked in a breath. Trey’s reason for wanting to see her had become apparent as she stared across the room.
“Hey guys.”
Dahlia smiled, making her way to the table where Noelle and Darren were seated. Lewis was standing a few feet away. Unlike the other two, Lewis didn’t give her any type of greeting except for a chin lift. That was basically the extent of Lewis’ communication skills with her.
“Dahlia.” Darren smiled, and Noelle gave her a short wave.
“I didn’t expect you all for another hour.”
Noelle folded her arms and shared a look with Darren, then scowled at Lewis, who seemed completely unaffected.
“Neither did Trey, but Lewis is an overachiever and suggested we come in earlier,” Noelle said and turned to Dahlia. Her smile faltered. “We thought since you told us you didn’t need us, that meant you were driving in with Trey. So…” Noelle smirked. “You can imagine his surprise when we show up and you’re not with us.”
Oh shit! Dahlia had been given a complete rundown of how the security worked, and she’d just broken rule number one. She wasn’t purposely disobeying the rules, but it seemed silly and a waste of time for them to drive all the way to the apartment just to follow her to the Bowery. Dahlia was just as cautious as anyone else, but the parking garage had its own security system and cameras. She was safe. Apparently, not enough for Trey.
“I didn’t want you guys to have to drive out of your way. I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t get anyone in trouble.”
Darren laughed. “Looks like the only one in trouble here is you, Dahlia.”
This explained Trey’s text. She stepped back and turned. “If he doesn’t kill me, I’ll be back in fifteen minutes.”
She heard two faint snickers, and she walked down the hall and veered left to Trey’s office. As per usual, Trey’s security lined the walls leading to his door. Jared was stationed next to the door and the only man to glance over. When she smiled, his gaze softened, and his lips twitched.
“On a scale of one to ten on the mad-o-meter, what am I dealing with?”
Jared smiled, shaking his head. “Teetering between fifteen and twenty.”
Dahlia hurried her steps, walked through the door, and made a beeline for Trey’s desk. It was as if he’d been stalking her every move since she’d pulled into the parking lot. His sharp glare left no reason for doubt. Trey was pissed!
“Let me explain.” She held out her hands, but Trey clearly wasn’t in the mood to listen. He pointed to the seat across from his desk.
“Sit your ass down. Now!”
Dahlia clamped her lips and rushed to the chair. Arguing with Trey, or even giving pushback, wouldn’t fare well for her at the moment. She may have misjudged her original assessment, considering his tone. Trey wasn’t just pissed, he was livid.
“Do I need to remind you of what happened last month? Do you need a refresher? Is that it? It’s the only sensible conclusion I’ve come up with to explain your disregard for your own safety.” His gaze narrowed. “I’ve gone over this in great detail, the importance of using your security every time you leave the club, the apartment, or out of my sight, have I not?”
“You did, but—”
“Yet here we fucking are, Dahlia.”
“Trey.” She cocked her head. “It’s silly to make them come all the way to the apartment just to…”
“It’s not silly, Dahlia. It’s for your safety.”
“But the parking garage has…”