Page 179 of Breaking Trey
Three years later.
Sunday night dinner.
Dahlia was able to claim it as her own doing. She’d started it three years ago, and surprisingly, it had stuck. She had Sal to thank for pushing her agenda, but it didn’t take away from everyone showing up. This was a good thing. It’s what families did. She hadn’t been much of a traditionist when she was younger, but Dahlia had seen the value in it as she got older, creating this new life with Trey.
It started out simple at her and Trey’s place, and somewhere down the road evolved into trading off houses to host it. It was a strange yet so normal version of a family.
While she enjoyed hosting, it was always a treat when it was Oz’s turn. His property was a fortress and a compound. The security was so tight that there were two gates within the property. And I have both codes.
Dahlia was walking out of the dining room when she saw the sleek black SUV pull up in front of the house. She started toward the door, peeked out the glass window, and smiled. Who would have thought three years ago that this would be her reaction to this man? It hadn’t always been easy, but she’d managed to make small breakthroughs.
Dahlia grabbed the knob and opened it just as he was walking up the stairs. Dahlia leaned to the left, then the right, and furrowed her brows.
“You’re alone.”
Rogue scoffed. “How fucking observant!”
Dahlia rolled her eyes but leaned in for a kiss. His lips brushed against her cheek. It was their universal greeting. It was more than most people got from this man. She was part of the select few in his family.
“Where is she?”
She. The woman with the patience of a saint, the steadiness like no other, and a wife to a man she’d never envisioned settling down. But he did. Finally…Rogue was domesticated. Kind of.
“On her fucking way. Late as usual ’cause she doesn’t listen to a fucking word I tell her.”
And that alone makes her worthy of hero status. Dahlia flattened her lips and stepped back as he walked in and closed the door.
“Need to fucking talk to you,” Rogue said, and she followed him into the den.
“What’s going on?”
When Rogue turned, she recognized the look. Dahlia straightened her shoulders, folded her arms, and prepared for the fight. She wasn’t sure what it was about, but she knew it was coming. Their relationship, much like hers with Oz, had taken on a sibling vibe. However, Rogue took the title to heart and became the overbearing, overprotective, intrusive brother she’d never wanted.
“Made some changes.”
Dahlia cocked her head, “To what?”
“Your fucking wedding list.”
Trey poured himself a drink, took a swig, and sighed.
Fucking Rogue.
Trey glanced over to the doorway just as Oz and Nash walked in, ignoring the shouting from the other room. It was the same thing Trey had been trying to do for the last few minutes.
“Do I want to know?” Trey asked.
Nash laughed. “Rogue thought it would be a great time to show Dahlia the changes he made to your wedding invitation list.”
Oh Christ, not this again.