Page 20 of Breaking Trey
Trey ground his teeth, grabbed his jacket from the couch, and shrugged it on. Rogue was supposed to have been at the club an hour ago. They were meeting with Stark, the guns distributor, and at this point, they’d be late. Rogue had no concept of time, which was why it was Trey’s job to keep him in line and on schedule.
Been fucking babysitting this asshole since I was twelve. The irony of it all was Trey being the younger of the two by three years. If anything, their roles should have been reversed, especially considering the positions they held. Trey was high up in the ranks of the Underground. Playing third-in-command was nothing to scoff at. There were only two men who transcended him, and he was currently waiting on one of them.
“Hi Trey, do you have a minute?”
He glanced across his office to find Sloane peeking her head in the doorway. He didn’t have the time nor patience to deal with anything from this woman. Sloane Baxter was a pain in the ass without even trying. They had an odd kinship. She’d rubbed him the wrong way since the minute he’d met her, but there was history, and allowances were made for the oddball. Deep down, Trey had a fondness for her, though some days, it was very hard to find.
Sloane inched her way past security, completely disregarding his dismissal.
“It’s kind of important for next week’s schedule, especially with the new hires. I thought you’d like to approve it.”
New hires. He’d spent the last few days debating on whether he’d made the right decision on one in particular. Having Dahlia at the club every day meant a constant test of his control with the ultimate temptation. What the fuck is it with this woman? Trey had never obsessed a day in his life when it came to women. They’d never been a priority for him. He’d had a plan from very early on. It’d started out as mere survival. It had cultivated into working up the ranks and making money. Years ago, it had transitioned into something more. And in all those years, he’d never once thought of making a deeper connection with anyone outside the realm of his closest allies.
This hadn’t been a thought, a consideration, and certainly not an issue—until Dahlia.
Fuck me.
“Fine. Give me the rundown,” Trey said, followed by a stern warning. “Quickly.”
“You know what, maybe we should do this later. You’re obviously on your way out. Tomorrow is probably a better option.”
I’m going to fucking kill this woman.
Trey sighed, combatting his impatience. “Fucking speak, Sloane.”
Sloane took a few steps and squinted. “Are you sure this is a good time?”
Trey balled his fists and gritted his teeth. They’d worked together long enough for her to read his moods.
She smiled awkwardly, rushing forward. “The orientation was successful, though I would like to discuss Rod’s attitude.”
Rod was brought in to serve as backup security along with management to assist Sloane and Aaron.
Trey narrowed his gaze, and Sloane caught his cue immediately. She held up her hand. “At a later date, of course! I have the schedules set. The three waitresses will shadow for the first two weeks per the usual protocol. The bouncer will do the same at the door. I contacted the three new hires for barback. Two came in for the orientation, along with Keely. One declined the offer. She found other employment. Which bars would you like them at?”
Trey rarely handled anything from the floor staff unless a problem arose, but the bars, being the most lucrative for the club, always went through him. New hires were usually stationed at the smaller sidebars.
“Put Dahlia at one and the others wherever they need backup.”
Sloane widened her eyes. “You want to give Dahlia the prime spot at bar one?”
It was the prime spot. There were four bars within the club, but the main bar was the most popular and largest. It was the busiest, made the club the most money, along with the biggest tips for the bartenders and barbacks. They were also paid a higher wage.
“Yes. Adjust her pay accordingly.” Trey circled his desk, noticing Sloane staring back at him. She looked like a deer caught in headlights.
“Do you have a problem with that?”
“No, I just find it surprising.” Sloane rushed closer, then abruptly stopped, shifting on her feet.
I do not have time for this shit or this woman.
“I-I mean, delightfully so. Usually, you make all the new hires work the slower bars for the first six months. In fact, since I’ve been here, you’ve never given any newbie bar one.”
Sloane wasn’t saying anything that wasn’t true, but Trey recognized when he was being called out. And I don’t fucking like it.
“Is there a fucking point to this rant, Sloane?”