Page 22 of Breaking Trey
“Was she the only one?”
Sloane nodded. That made her special to the MC. It was a thought that didn’t sit well with him.
Fuck. Trey cupped his jaw. “Then why isn’t she back at East?”
As much as he didn’t like the idea of her being a valuable asset to the club, it was a safer position than working at The Moon Bar.
Sloane shrugged. “She didn’t say, but I have an idea.”
Trey stared back at the woman, waiting for her to explain. She didn’t, which only heightened his anger. Sloane was going to make him ask.
“Are you going to fucking tell me?”
Sloane widened her eyes. “Oh, um, her roommate moved out unexpectedly, so Dahlia has to cover the whole rent. Money was already tight, and I don’t think East pays enough to cover it, plus expenses. She gave Gunner her notice a while ago but stopped working at East about two weeks ago.”
“Fuck.” Trey shouldn’t have any vested interest in this woman he barely knew. Dahlia was nothing more than a familiar stranger.
“You’re just full of surprises today.”
I’m going to fucking kill her.
“I just mean, we’ve had other people decline our offer, and you’ve never asked about where they’re working. Or shown any concern of where they ended up.” Sloane cocked her head, smiling. “This is a whole new side of you, Trey.”
Trey wasn’t sure who he was more upset with, Sloane for calling him out or himself for briefly letting his guard down. It didn’t matter. She’d take the brunt of his anger.
“Do you like your job, Sloane?”
She clasped her hands. “Yes, and I want to keep it, so I’ll shut up now.”
“Go.” His tone was low and feral.
Sloane nodded but didn’t move.
“What, Sloane?” Trey snapped, sending her back a step. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough to shut her down.
“Can I just say one thing?”
Trey cupped his jaw, digging his fingers into his flesh. “If I knew I could get away with it, I might just kill you.”
Sloane laughed. “Sometimes I think you’re not kidding.”
“Sometimes, I’m not.”
“Okay, I hit a nerve. My apologies. But can I just say one more thing?”
Trey dragged his hand over his face. Never in his life had he met anyone who got under his skin the way she did. He dropped his hand and stared back at her. Waiting.
“I don’t want to be out of line, but is it possible you may have said or done something? I know Dahlia was very excited to work here and work for you, and it just seems strange that within a matter of two weeks, she gets another job and declines our offer. And I was a bit nosy and looked up The Moon Bar. The bartenders make nine dollars less than what we pay to start. That’s huge.”
“And you believe I offended her?”
“Well—” Sloane smiled and snorted. “I mean, you can be intimidating, Trey. And sometimes you…”
I’m going to regret this.
“I what?”