Page 27 of Breaking Trey
And in the end, it was all that mattered. Trey, Rogue, and Oz all had equal value in the Underground, but there could only be one true king. And Trey’s had just spoken.
“I’ll make that happen.”
“I know you will.” Oz’s gaze hardened. “And one more thing, Trey. Next time you ask for a favor? It better be yours.”
Trey smiled, taking a sip of his drink. “I don’t need favors.”
Oz nodded. “One day, you might.”
Maybe, though Trey couldn’t imagine what for. Only time would tell.
Chapter Five
I hate this fucking job. Dahlia had worked at her fair share of shitty establishments, but this ranked fairly high on her list. Bottom-feeding misogynist assholes dressed in sharply tailored suits. They were the worst kind. At least show your perversion instead of masking it behind wealth and faux manners.
It wasn’t the Bowery, but it had been more upscale than any other place she’d ever worked in. Or so she’d thought. That was the first among a long list of assumptions and mistakes she’s made when she’d accepted the position. In fairness to Dahlia, she’d been desperate. Having to pay the full rent along with utilities left her choices limited. Welcome to The Moon Bar. A glorified hidden brothel. Somebody save me.
Unfortunately, there were no heroes here. Dahlia was left with saving herself and dodging solicitations on a nightly basis. She could hold her own, but it was exhausting and nauseating. This was what desperation looked like. Fuck me!
She’d originally been hired as a bartender but had a rude awakening on her first day when she’d been scheduled as a server. She wasn’t opposed to waitressing. She’d done it in the past. But there seemed to be an underlining component and expectations she hadn’t been aware of. Dahlia was quick to shut it all down with her boss, but it didn’t stop the customers’ advances.
The longest two weeks of my life.
Dahlia was hanging out in the back hallway, taking a much-needed break.
A group of men slipped by, and she pressed her back against the wall to make more room in the tight space. The move inadvertently hiked her chest up, and her breasts were practically on full display, which caught the attention of the second to last man in line. He was older than her, maybe mid-forties. There was nothing special about him. Thinning hair, a wrinkled suit with the tie in disarray, and a belly hanging over his belt. He looked like half the clientele, though he took notice of her and stopped.
“You’re new?”
Dahlia forced a smile and nodded. “Yes.”
Without any type of warning, he grabbed her wrist and started hauling her down the hall. What the…? Dahlia tried to rip her arm from his hold, but he tightened his grip.
“Let go of me!”
“We’re gonna hang out, you and me.”
Oh, hell no. She’d dealt with handsy and forward men but none this aggressive.
“No, we’re not.”
His grip tightened as he laughed. “I’ll pay, honey. Don’t you worry.”
There wasn’t enough money on the planet.
Dahlia pulled at her arm and jumped back, slamming into the wall behind her and knocking her elbow into the brick wall. Fuck! Dahlia ground her teeth, trying her best to shake off the shooting pain rushing through her arm.
“Feisty. I like that.”
Fucking pig.
“Come on, I’ll pay extra.” He reached for her wrist. With his body turned sideways, she took the only shot she had. Her fist to his ribs. He gasped and fell backward, stumbling. Dahlia gave him little time to straighten, and she pushed him to the opposite wall and leaned down to eye level.
“I can get you a drink, a meal, and a check. That’s all.” Dahlia righted herself, ignoring the stare from the busboy on her left. It was probably a move he hadn’t seen often at The Moon Bar.
There was a possibility of repercussions from management, but Dahlia would deal with the scolding. She straightened her top, grabbed an empty tray, and started toward the main dining room. The fact that she could bounce back after the altercation was a testament to the bullshit she’d had to deal with in the past.
Dahlia glanced around the room. It was a decent crowd, and she’d made enough in tips, but dealing with these men was exhausting. Her previous employment may not have been glamorous, but she’d been respected, unlike her current position.