Page 37 of Breaking Trey
“Driver is in the back, and Dornan and his crew are on their way,” Trey said.
Rogue’s jaw squared. “I hate fucking waiting on these assholes.”
“Did you really just say that to me?”
Rogue slapped Trey’s back as he passed. “You’d think by now you’d fucking know to show up later so you don’t have to wait.”
Trey scowled. “I’d think by now you’d start showing up on time.”
Rogue laughed. It was a rare sight for most people. Not many got a glimpse into the lighter side of Trey’s counterpart. Rogue viewed it as a weakness but let his guard down in front of a select few.
“What’s going on with Manny?”
Trey steeled his features, knowing exactly who Rogue was referencing, though he’d play indifferent to the questioning. This was Trey’s weakness, and he wouldn’t expose it.
While all three men of the Underground enjoyed women, none had ever settled down. They took their cue from Sal himself. Being a part of this life meant sacrificing other aspects.
Sal had warned them. “You choose this life, you forsake everything else.”
The only family Trey would ever have would be Rogue and Oz. They, along with Sal, were the only people who would understand his life path and, more so, his past. Opening up and getting too close to anyone wasn’t permitted in the Underground. He wouldn’t get married, and he certainly wouldn’t have children. Aside from physical pleasure, Trey had nothing to offer.
There had been lovers in the past for all of them. But rarely did they discuss it with each other. What was the point? It wouldn’t last for any of them.
“Fucking Moon Bar? You and your guys the other night.” Rogue grinned. “Only one reason to go there, and I know you well enough that you weren’t getting your dick sucked by a whore.”
“He’s pushing a lot of product through the bar. Wanted to check in and see the clientele.”
Rogue pulled out a cigarette, lit it, and took a deep drag. “And?”
“What you would expect.”
Rogue seemed to take his answer without further questions. However, it was in Trey’s best interest to change the subject.
“Oz agreed to allow passage through his territory.”
Rogue jerked his head and knitted his brows. “Are you fucking with me?”
Trey smirked. “No. He’s going to allow it.”
Rogue squinted, knowing there was a catch.
“Ah fuck! What?” Rogue shouted.
Trey cleared his throat, gearing up for the inevitable outburst. “Killcreek will do the run.”
Rogue’s lips tightened, and his face reddened. “Fuck, no!” He charged forward, but Trey stood his ground, not even flinching. This wasn’t his first time dealing with Rogue’s tantrums. He’d been doing this for years. And it won’t be my last.
“That’s Oz’s fucking bullshit connection, not mine!”
Trey drew in a breath. “There’s no other choice.”
“Yeah, there fucking is. Dornan’s crew will run it on the interstate.”
“We can’t trust them,” Trey said, trying to maintain his control. “And they’ll get busted. We’re taking a risk if anything they say or carry can be linked back to us. Even if the authorities can’t find anything, it’s what they’ll assume and add to a long list of infractions in our folder so they can neatly present enough ammo to the prosecutor until something sticks. This was a reckless deal you put into place, and this is where we’re at now.”