Page 39 of Breaking Trey
“We ain’t doing your fucking dirty work,” Rogue said.
Trey immediately chimed in. “We’re just here to make sure it gets done.”
Everyone had to account for their own in the Underground. They all had blood on their hands. In most cases, it was untraceable, but Trey wouldn’t be taking the risk. Dornan moved forward, closer to the driver, as his men stood at his back. Dornan’s decision to put on a grand show of ridiculing and fanfare worked in their favor as Trey and Rogue’s security subtly made their way to the wall, lining up on either side of him and Rogue.
It would be another few minutes of Dornan berating the driver and his other cohorts laughing. They had no idea what was coming.
Like a choreographed scene, Trey, Rogue, and members of their security pulled their weapons, aiming them directly at Dornan, his crew and the driver. They were unaware until Trey and the others cocked their guns, and Dornan immediately spun around.
“What the fuck?”
“I warned you what would happen if we found him first,” Trey said.
Rogue smirked. “Your services are no longer fucking needed.”
Lights out, motherfuckers!
Chapter Seven
Dahlia walked down the hall and turned into Sloane’s office, spreading out her arms. “How do I look?”
Sloane glanced up and immediately grinned. “Gorgeous.”
Dahlia chuckled, tossing her clothes into her open duffle bag on the floor near the chair. She’d arrived an hour earlier to the Bowery, before her training, to fill out the final paperwork, get her uniforms, and have Sloane give her a rundown of the policies. She was currently showing off her uniform. It was a lowcut, sleek black top and skintight shorts. Not everyone would feel comfortable exposing so much, but Dahlia never had an issue. The uniform wasn’t too far off from her usual daily wear aside from the fact it was better material and quality than most of her wardrobe.
“So, you have any last-minute advice for me?” Dahlia’s nerves had hit an all-time high. She’d take any words of wisdom.
“Come to me if you have any problems. Killian’s great, so you’re in good hands. And most importantly, just be you. You’re gonna be amazing.” Sloane’s smile faltered, and she leaned forward and lowered her voice. “And if possible, avoid Rogue.”
It was a strange piece of advice, but Dahlia had heard the rumors of the other owner.
“Will do. You need anything else from me?” Dahlia asked, glancing down at her phone. She was meeting Killian at the main bar in five minutes for her training and didn’t want to keep him waiting.
“One more thing.” Sloane slid a piece of paper in front of Dahlia along with a pen. “Just need you to sign the NDA.”
Dahlia’s brows shot up. “NDA?”
“Yes, it’s standard and required. Everyone has to sign one in order to work here.”
This was a first for Dahlia, but she didn’t hesitate. She signed the bottom after glancing over the fine print. She dropped the pen on the desk and watched as Sloane slipped the paper into a folder.
“Can they sue me if I share drink recipes?” Dahlia chuckled.
Sloane lips tightened. “It covers everything from the club to the owners and their security. You can’t talk about them. Ever.” Sloane pointed to the filing cabinet. “That’s what you just signed, Dahl. If you do, then you’ll be ordered to pay one million dollars.”
Dahlia widened her eyes. Sloane must have sensed her panic, and she quickly waved her hand and smiled. “It’s over the top, but you have nothing to worry about. Most of the staff never come into contact with Trey and Rogue.”
I did.
“I’m so glad you changed your mind,” Sloane said, changing the subject.
“Well…” Dahlia felt the heat rush to her face. “Trey can be persuasive.”
Sloane furrowed her brows and cocked her head. “Trey?”
Dahlia fought against a smile. “Yeah, it’s kind of crazy. He happened to be at The Moon Bar two nights ago. What are the odds, right?”
Sloane opened her mouth to speak, but they were interrupted by a tall, husky, glaring man. Oh, not you again. Dahlia remembered Rod from their first encounter on the day of her interview.