Page 60 of Breaking Trey
Red fucking flag. Dahlia had dated plenty of men, a few like Keely was describing. Early on in her younger days, she ate up the confidence until she recognized it for what it really was. Narcissism in its truest form. There was no changing or getting through to that type of man. It was also easy to get sucked into their world and style of thinking. It was better to walk away now, especially for someone like Keely. Before she got a chance to express her thoughts, Keely blurted.
“And he scratched his balls a lot, too.”
Dahlia jerked in her seat, turned toward Keely, and resisted the urge to laugh. “What?”
Keely rolled her eyes and bobbed her head, staring down at her plate. “I mean, I have a brother, so I get it. Sometimes you have to adjust. But he was really digging and going to town. It was strange.”
Fuck yeah. It was strange. And gross, and a major red flag. Run, Keely!
“Arrogant, conceited, and a dirty cock?” Dahlia shook her head. “Cut your losses now.”
Keely burst out laughing, which caught the attention of everyone in the room, including Killian, her brother. She avoided his stare and turned her attention to the front of the room. Two people, two reactions, and both polar opposites. Sloane smiled, looking between her and Keely. Rod glared, shifting his gaze between the two women. This was not the attention she needed. Dahlia had gotten a certain vibe from him from their first encounter. He had a superiority complex and seemed to focus on her.
“You got something you want to share, or can we fucking start this meeting?” Rod snapped with his harsh glare aimed at Dahlia.
I don’t get it. She’d been nothing but agreeable, compliant, and pleasant, yet he seemed to take issue with her. And only her. She mustered up an uncomfortable smile and folded her hands on her lap.
“Yeah, I’m sorry.”
His gaze darkened. “Can you shut the fuck up now?”
Dahlia sucked in a breath, fighting against a nasty retort. Rod may not be her boss, but he was her supervisor. Dahlia clamped her lips, refusing to respond verbally. She didn’t trust herself.
“Start the meeting,” he ordered, gesturing to Sloane. Her brows were dipped in a scathing and unapproving scowl directed at Rod. The seconds ticked by in silence, and she glanced around the room, watching everyone shift in their chairs. Being new, Dahlia had no idea the dynamic between these two, but it was evident it made everyone uncomfortable.
Sloane straightened her back and looked up, smiling. It was forced and didn’t quite reach her eyes, but she was able to appear convincing. To those who don’t know her. Dahlia was a different story. She was friends with Sloane and recognized the woman’s irritated shake as she clutched the single piece of paper in her hands.
“The new schedule is out. We shifted some people around, so definitely check your email.” She placed a sheet on the bar and stepped back. “There’s a hard copy. I’ll hang it outside my door. And just so everyone knows, this is not permanent. We’ll move others around.”
Dahlia didn’t bother looking. It would take more than a few weeks to get moved to bartender, as Sloane had explained. Most barbacks spent six months to a year before they were moved up. It didn’t bother Dahlia. She had no problem working up the ranks and doing her time. Plus, she loved working with Killian and Misti.
“What the fuck, Sloane?” Mindy snapped with her sidekick Lori sidled up next to her at the bar. The harsh glares they were throwing at Sloane left no question they were not happy with the schedule changes.
Dahlia spun around, as did most of the employees at the screeching shout echoing through the club.
Sloane held up her hands. “As I said, it’s not permanent.”
“She’s been here for a fucking minute!” Lori shouted, pointing directly at Dahlia.
Oh shit.
“It was a request,” Sloane said.
What was a request, and why was she being brought into this? Dahlia watched the two women, who hadn’t exactly been friendly when she started and had yet to warm up, glare back at her and walk away, whispering. What the fuck? She remained seated with Keely and watched carefully as other employees scanned the paper and looked back at her. Some merely smiled, while others eyed her with suspicion. What the hell is going on?
Dahlia waited until the group thinned, hopped off her stool, and walked up to the list with Killian and Keely close behind her. It was a generic list, similar to the one she’d seen over the past few weeks. She scanned, looking for her name, pausing at bar one, where she noticed her name wasn’t on it. She read farther to the very bottom.
“The balcony?” Dahlia said and immediately fell forward when she felt a push on her back. Keely was hanging over her shoulder with her jaw dropped.
“You got the balcony!”
Keely’s shock only intensified Dahlia’s concern and dread. The balcony, as in where Trey and Rogue were? She glanced behind her, skimming over Keely, who seemed laser-focused on the list. Killian stood a foot behind them, and she locked eyes with him.
“That’s Rogue’s private section. No wonder Mindy and Lori are pissed. They usually trade off. That’s a helluva jump from barback to bartending in the balcony.” Killian raised his brows and smirked.
A chill ran down her spine. This was not good. Dahlia was all for advancement and moving up, but something didn’t sit right with her. Dahlia searched the open room for Sloane and watched as she and Aaron disappeared into the back. Dahlia tried to control her speed, which probably looked like a run walk. She was halfway down the hall when Rod stepped in her path. Dahlia barely caught herself before plowing into his chest.