Page 69 of Breaking Trey
Ah, the other one. Dahlia realized that the mere thought of Trey was causing her heart rate to spike, her blood to rush, and her skin to tingle.
“Oh, I take it he’s not an asshole?”
Dahlia jerked her head to find Sal grinning. He pointed to her and winked. “Your face completely changed when I asked about your other boss. Lit up, and you blushed. Must be a good guy.”
Was he? He was a fantastic kisser, but that wasn’t something she’d be sharing with her new friend.
“I think he is. A little guarded, and he’s got this like…” Dahlia paused, trying to find the right word. “Armor, I guess. He comes across as very intimidating ’cause he’s really smart, and he never stumbles over his words. He’s quick like he knows exactly what someone is going to say before they open their mouths. Maybe he sees people beyond the surface.”
“Sounds like a strong, honorable man.”
“He is.” Dahlia smiled. “And he’s not bad to look at either.”
He laughed. “Good-looking, huh?”
Dahlia snorted. “That doesn’t even cover it, Sal. He’s incredibly gorgeous, like the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen.”
Sal nodded with a small smile playing on his lips. “And the luckiest guy to have such a beautiful person like you think so highly of him.”
Dahlia blushed under the compliment but shrugged it off.
“Probably not the smartest move, having a crush on my boss, right?”
His eyes softened. “I could think of worse things.”
“Can’t take you anywhere without you scoping out a pretty woman and making friends.”
Dahlia glanced up at the man walking through the room. He and Sal were clearly friends.
Sal laughed and waved his hand to the man about the same age as him. “This is John, Karia’s dad.”
What? Dahlia darted her gaze between the two men. Sal was there for Karia? Why hadn’t he said anything?
Dahlia stood, offering her hand. “It’s so nice to meet you. I’m Dahlia.”
His eyes lit up, and his smile widened. “Well, it’s great to finally meet you. Heard a lot about you.”
Dahlia widened her eyes. “You have?”
He laughed and nodded. “Yes, Karia talks about you all the time.”
“She does?”
“Yeah, mentioned you just got a new job at some swanky disco downtown.”
Swanky disco? Dahlia tightened her lips, holding her smile at bay.
“Heard her telling Trick to make sure you didn’t have to take time off.”
Dahlia had a strong friendship with all the East old ladies, but some were closer. Like Karia.
Sal stood, walking over to John. “Well, she did, so let’s get her in there to see Kar and the baby.”
“Oh no.” She shook her head. “You’ve been waiting longer than I have. You should go first.”
“Honey, I got nowhere else to be. After we leave here we’re stopping for dinner then back home. I got all the time in the world.”