Page 76 of Breaking Trey
Trey straightened, knowing he’d just given Rogue everything without really saying anything. He didn’t have to. Rogue knew. And in turn, he’d given his vow to back off Dahlia. Trey wasn’t exactly sure what this meant for him, Dahlia, or the Underground. The only thing he was certain of was his need, desire, and want for her.
Chapter Thirteen
“Hey, Jared.”
He glanced back as he passed by, subtly dipping his chin. Dahlia knew better than to talk to any of them. But after spending the last couple of days in the balcony virtually being ignored, the human in her couldn’t resist. Jared seemed like the easiest partner, considering their small talk the other day. Nope! He was back to ignoring her. Kinda like Trey.The man was an absolute mindfuck. One day he was saving her, and the next he barely acknowledged her, much like now.
It had been almost a week since their last kiss, and with the exception of going head-to-head with Rogue for her job, he hadn’t muttered so much as a word to her. It didn’t mean he wasn’t giving her attention. Trey looked, stared sometimes, but hadn’t spoken to her.
Maybe Dahlia was reading too much into it, but she felt something there, and every time they got a little closer, he would immediately pull away. Dahlia glanced over at the table where Trey and Rogue were seated. After delivering two rounds of drinks, there wasn’t much left to do.
“Hey!” The loud pounding on the bar tore her attention from Trey and shifted to the man at the end of the small bar. The bane of my existence. Begrudgingly, she took two steps to the end of the bar and stared up at him. Dahlia wouldn’t risk her job knowing he was her superior, but she was also done trying to gain his respect. There were some people who were deadset in their perceptions of others, and clearly, Rod was one of them.
She cocked her head and raised her brows, waiting on him.
“Clean up here. They need a barback at one.”
Dahlia wasn’t opposed to helping at bar one. If she was being honest, she missed working with Killian and Misti. But she was scheduled at the balcony. Was he authorized to make the change?
“Did you clear that with Trey?”
Rod’s harsh features sharpened, and he leaned across the bar only a few feet away from her. “You don’t fucking check me! I tell you to do something, you fucking do it.”
Dahlia kept her composure, forcing herself not to shrink under his tone and not to retaliate. She noticed two members of security glance over. Not at her. They were focused on Rod.
“Am I making myself fucking clear?”
“Yes, what?” Rod snapped.
Oh, you son of a bitch!
“Yes, sir!” It came out louder than she’d intended and gained the attention of Trey and Rogue. Neither one looked particularly happy. In fact, Trey was livid.
Trey’s glare shifted between her and Rod, though he hadn’t noticed when he walked away and down the stairs. Dahlia turned around and started cleaning up but immediately straightened when she felt a dark presence at her back. She spun around and gasped. Trey was at the edge of the bar, a scowl so deep the lines between his brows prominently stood out.
“Can I get you a drink?”
“In my office. Now!” Trey stalked away, and she dropped the rag on the counter and rushed after him, glancing back and locking eyes with Rogue. His glare had been just as hard and outwardly mean as Trey’s.
What did I do?
Dahlia had to double-time her steps just to keep up with Trey, and when she walked through the door, he stepped to the side and slammed the door closed. This was the first time Trey had ever closed the door while they were alone. Dahlia swallowed the lump in her throat, watching him circle around her like prey.
“D-did I do something wrong?”
His eyes narrowed, and he pointed toward the door.
“What was that?”
Dahlia stilled, then glanced over at the door.
“What was what?”
“Yes, sir?”
As if it wasn’t humiliating enough having to say it, knowing Trey had heard it only amplified her embarrassment. What could she do? As her superior, Rod made the rules, not her.