Page 80 of Breaking Trey
Ah, no motherfucker, we’re gonna step it up.
Trey arched his brow. “Yes, what?”
“Yes, sir.”
Trey stood, straightened his jacket, and walked across the balcony.
“Aaron?” Trey called, and he immediately rushed up the stairs. “I want Dahlia in my office. Now!”
Aaron nodded, already descending the stairs. “Yes, sir.”
Trey stalked back to his office, yanked off his jacket, and tossed it on the couch, making a beeline for the small bar in the corner of the room. His tension was so high he shot down the bourbon and immediately poured another.
“You wanted to see me?”
Trey sipped his drink, slowly turning and taking her in. All of her. He’d denied himself all of her, only indulging in bits. He raised his hand, motioning her into the room, and she started forward. But she stopped a few feet away. Trey curled his finger. “Closer.”
Dahlia took a few steps, and when she was close enough, he hooked his arm around her waist and pulled her against him. Her hands spread out over his chest, and she gasped in surprise.
“Made some changes. You have a problem or a concern with anything? You come to me. If I’m not here, you go to Sloane or Aaron. You don’t deal with Rod. Ever. You understand?”
She nodded but refused to look at him. This was an easy resolution, but he’d hurt her. He grasped her jaw, forcing her to look at him.
“It was shitty of me to blame you.”
She flicked her lashes, seeming surprised by his admission. Trey wasn’t above admitting his faults. He had plenty but usually wasn’t held accountable. Until now. His thumb caressed over her jaw as he pulled her closer.
“Has he done or said anything else to you?”
Her cheeks pinkened, and she shifted on her feet, darting her gaze around the room but refusing to look at him.
She’s lying. Trey wouldn’t push her. But he would find out.
“If you have any problems with him going forward, you come to me directly.”
Dahlia smiled, peering up through her lashes. “I will. And you can be sure I won’t be calling anyone ‘sir.’”
Just hearing her say it was drawing him in. Without thought, his fingers dug into her skin. Trey lowered his mouth, brushing against her lips with a low rumble from his chest. “Choose wisely who you call sir.”
Her gaze heated, and her chest lifted, and he could feel her heart pounding when she whispered, “Yes, sir.”
Dominance had been instilled in him since he was a kid, and it only grew as he made his way up the ranks. Trey wanted and needed complete control. Dahlia, being naturally submissive, was only amping up his desire to get her in his bed.
“Anything else you want, Trey?”
The corner of her mouth curled. “You sure?”
Trey ground his teeth, steeling his reaction. You, in my bed. That was what he wanted. Dahlia smiled and pulled away slowly as if she knew his exact thought.