Page 42 of Twisted Liars
Jensen: You’re sure she won’t wake up?
Me: Not without a really loud noise.
Jensen: Awesome. I’m ready to go. Is her balcony door unlocked?
Me: Yep. Did it when I went to say goodnight earlier. She didn’t notice. She was too exhausted.
Jensen: Okay. I’m going to Facetime you in a second. Then I’ll stick my phone in my front pocket so you can see everything I do.
Me: Looking forward to it…
He requested a Facetime call with me a minute later. The selfie camera on his phone was on at first, and he grinned and waved at me before slipping on a Scream mask. Then he flipped the camera to back-facing mode, stuck it in his jacket pocket so I could see everything, and turned his bedroom light off.
With my heart racing, I watched him leave his house, head around to the side of our property, and clamber up the trellis. With a slight grunt, he hoisted himself over Piper’s balcony railing and crept toward the door. “Wish me luck,” he whispered.
He stepped forward and opened the door as slowly as possible to avoid making any noise. Once he was inside, he pulled out a new burner phone from his pocket, opened the camera app, and pressed ‘record’. He started the video on selfie mode, just like the Facetime call, only this time the Scream mask was all the recipient would see. He slowly waved at the camera. Then he flipped it to back-facing mode, quietly stepped over to Piper’s bed, and started filming her. As he drew closer, he made a threatening gesture with his left hand, miming a knife going across Piper’s throat.
He hit ‘save’ on the video and stashed the phone in his pocket again. After that, he crept over to Piper’s bedroom door, slowly opened it, and stepped out into the hallway. I heard him at my door a minute later, and a smile curved up my lips as the key twisted in the lock.
I watched him turn away from my door on the phone screen. He headed back to Piper’s room and took one last look at her to ensure she was still fast asleep. Then he headed back to her balcony, closed the glass door behind him, and shimmied down the trellis. Five minutes later, he was back in his bedroom.
The Facetime ended, and he sent a message a moment later.
Jensen: Holy fuck my heart is racing haha. Kept thinking she was going to wake up.
Me: It went perfectly! Have you sent her the video yet?
Jensen: I’m about to do that now. Then I’ll get the ice. Are you ready on your end?
Me: Yep. Wide awake and ready to act my ass off.
Jensen: Don’t forget the snow globe thing. We can’t make it too obvious that your door was unlocked from the outside.
Me: Don’t worry, I have it on my bedside table.
A moment later, Jensen requested another Facetime call. Then he stuck his phone in his front pocket again and headed downstairs to get a tray of ice cubes from the freezer. “I just sent her the video from the burner phone,” he whispered to me as he headed back upstairs. “Hopefully this window stuff wakes her up.”
I stuck my head under my pillow with the phone and whispered a reply. “If it doesn’t, I’ll bang on her wall.”
I went quiet after that, watching things play out on the screen. Jensen opened his balcony door, stepped outside, and hurled an ice cube at one of Piper’s windows. It hit the glass with a resounding clunk, but nothing happened. He tossed another one, followed by two at the same time.
If all went according to plan, the thumping sounds at the window would eventually wake Piper from her deep sleep. After that, she’d probably check her phone, wondering what time it was, and then she’d notice the creepy video in her notification bar. All hell would break loose after that.
There wouldn’t be any evidence that anyone threw anything at her window to rouse her, as she’d surely claim, because Jensen was using ice cubes that would eventually melt on the ground below. If anyone happened to go and look in the garden bed the next morning, just to make sure, all they’d find was a few wet patches and possibly a few small chunks of ice that hadn’t melted yet. Rain and frost were perfectly normal at this time of year, so that wouldn’t seem odd at all.
Jensen tossed another cube at Piper’s window, hitting the pane with a sharp thud. A light finally went on in her bedroom, and Jensen immediately ducked and crept back into his darkened room.
I ended the call, slid my burner phone under the mattress, and waited with bated breath.
The screaming started thirty seconds later.
I got out of bed, grabbed the snow globe from my bedside table, and bashed it against the door, leaving a small dent in the wood below the handle. Then I threw it open and dashed down the hall.
Piper was cowering on the end of her bed, face pale and contorted with terror. She was crying loudly, trembling arms wrapped around herself. Her phone was next to her on the duvet.
“Oh my god!” I rushed over and threw my arms around her, wrapping her in a tight hug. “What happened?”
She sobbed on my shoulder, chest heaving like she was about to hyperventilate. “Someone sent… they’re trying to…”