Page 5 of Twisted Liars
Ali smiled thinly. “We put it there to scare you. We also made the thumb drive disappear from your room so you’d start to think you might’ve imagined it.”
“We made that little spy camera of yours disappear too,” Zara said. “We noticed it as soon as you put it up. You were trying to catch whoever was terrorizing you at night.”
I looked down at the ground, guts twisting and roiling. Then I snapped my head up. “Wait… you said all those buzzing noises and weird flashes were caused by you, right?”
I slowly shook my head. “But Piper and her friends didn’t see or hear any of them. How is that possible?”
Zara raised her brows, and a slow smile spread across her face.
“Oh,” I said softly, heart cracking in two. “They were in on it.”
“That’s right. Piper and all of her friends are second-degree society members. Before you arrived, they were brought before the council and given a mission.”
“To pretend to be friends with me and help you drive me insane?”
“Exactly.” Zara sneered. “Piper has always known that you aren’t her sister. Your relationship with her is entirely fake, as are your other friendships in that group. They all heard the strange noises we played around you. They just pretended not to.”
Tears welled in my eyes. It turned out that I’d only ever had one real friend in this town, and it was the boy who used to be my worst enemy. How fucking ironic.
I swallowed hard and clenched my hands into fists, nails digging into my palms. “I’m not going to let this happen,” I said, trying to hide the tremor in my voice. “You can’t force me to be one of your baby slaves just because my father signed an illegal contract years ago.”
“We can do whatever we want, Amerie. We own you, and we decide what happens to you next.”
“No!” I jumped to my feet, eyes narrowed into slits. “I won’t let you get me pregnant, you sick fucks!”
“Oh, honey.” Zara smiled coldly, baring her teeth again. “You’re already pregnant.”
My blood froze in my veins. “What?” I said, taking a step backward.
“You’re already pregnant,” Zara repeated. A smug smile had curved up her lips, and her eyes were gleaming with delight. “Eight weeks, I believe.”
The revelation hung in the air, sucking the breath out of me.
“No way.” I numbly shook my head. “That isn’t possible.”
“It is,” Ali said. “We confirmed it earlier today.”
“How the hell could you possibly have done that?” I asked, heart thudding painfully in my chest.
“Remember how I told you the plumbers were coming to check out some of the old pipes today, and you weren’t allowed to flush the toilets?” he said, cocking his head. “After you urinated this morning, we collected a sample and tested it. Positive result.”
“No.” My throat had gone bone-dry. “It has to be a mistake. I’m on birth control.”
“Oh, sweetheart,” Zara said in that maddeningly-snide tone of hers. She turned to Dr. Carmichael and snapped her fingers. “Flora, care to explain?”
Dr. Carmichael stood and looked at me, eyes never wavering. “During your appointment with me, I talked you into getting the Depo shot, and—”
“You didn’t talk me into it!” I cut in, face flushing hot with indignation. “It was my choice to get it!”
She tilted her head. “Was it?”
I thought back to that day in her office. She was right. She’d barely even discussed any other options with me. The Depo pamphlet just so happened to be on top of the stack, ensuring I’d look at it when we discussed birth control, and she immediately sang its praises and told me it was the contraceptive she preferred to prescribe to girls my age. I made the choice to get it, but she walked me right into that choice.
“It wasn’t really a Depo shot,” she said. “I just had to convince you to get one so I had a decent excuse to jab you with a needle. That needle contained a sedative that kicked in a few minutes later during the Pap test.”