Page 22 of Blood and Fate
“The same dream?” Teague’s eyes roved around to see if they were being overheard.
Kais ran a hand over the back of his neck. “I don’t— I don’t know. It wasn’t a situation I’ve ever been in. It felt like her, and then I heard her scream.”
“She didn’t scream.” Teague shook his head. “I was right here. I didn’t hear anything.”
“In the dream, I said. It was strange. In her dream she screamed. Someone was...” He couldn’t bring himself to finish the sentence.
Just the thought of the few seconds he had seen burned in his chest. Was that a fear she had being in his camp, or had that actually happened to her? Was she reliving a memory? His stomach rolled at the same time an odd sort of protectiveness rose inside him. He found he wanted to injure anyone who would do that to her. But, of course, he would deal with any man who treated any woman that way. This protective feeling wasn’t localized to Satori. But then, why did it feel different?
“When we make camp again, put her tent next to mine.”
Teague nodded. “You should get back to bed. We have a lot of work tomorrow.”
Teague was right. They would pack the camp tomorrow and continue their journey. He glanced again at the tent, the scene in the dream replaying. He found he didn’t want to leave her. “I think I’m going to stay here for a bit.”
“I can stay here.”
Kais swallowed, allowing himself this vulnerable moment. If it were anyone but Teague, he wouldn’t, but Teague knew him. “I have to stay. I can’t explain.”
Teague eyed him for a moment before nodding. “Of course. I’ll be in my tent if you need me.”
“Thank you.”
Kais looked up in time to catch Teague’s long coat as he threw it at him.
“So you don’t freeze. Goodnight.”
Kais barely registered Teague leaving as he pulled on the coat and lowered himself to the log in front of the tent, resting his forearms on his thighs. What was going on?
Muted light filtered through the fabric of the tent as Satori blinked her eyes open. Tent? She sat up, looking around, and it all came rushing back. She let out a long breath as her feet made contact with the ground. She wanted nothing more, at that moment, than to stay in the tent and avoid everything, but the sounds from outside told her that wouldn’t be an option.
She reached up, feeling the wayward strands of hair. She must look horrific. She pulled her hair down, combing through it with her fingers before she rebound it in a simple braid down her back.
Satori stood and crossed to the tent’s entrance. She wrapped her fingers around the fabric, inhaled deeply, and pulled the flap aside. Teague stood on the opposite side, his own blonde hair tied at his neck.
“We’re packing up, Your Highness.” He indicated the movement behind him with a nod of his head. “We’ll need to get your tent taken care of as well. If you would like to follow me, I can show you where you can get some breakfast.”
She nodded once, almost turning around to check that she had everything when she remembered she had nothing. She’d been kidnapped and then traded away. A sinking feeling struck her chest, but Teague was still watching her, and she refused to let him see what she was feeling. She lifted her chin, met his gaze, and stepped through the flap into the bustling camp.
“If you’ll walk with me?” Teague held a hand out as they began to walk into the heart of the collapsing camp. “We don’t have much, but there’s some fruit and bread and a bit of cheese.”
“Thank you,” she responded softly, not knowing what else to say.
She was famished; she wasn’t even sure the last time she’d eaten. The previous morning? It must have been before she left on the ride with the servants. Were they looking for her? Did Henrik make it back, or had their attackers killed him? If he were dead, she would not mourn.
“ . . . right here.”
Satori looked up when she realized Teague had stopped. She turned to face him. He had an arm extended toward a small pathway that led off into the trees. She’d been so wrapped up in her own thoughts she had no idea what he was saying. Did he want her to go that way?
“I’m sorry?”