Page 24 of Blood and Fate
Then, just as quickly, it smoothed out. “I’m glad to hear it. I see you’ve eaten as well.”
If you could call it that. She’d become too queasy to eat as she considered the possibilities of her future.
“There’s a horse waiting for you. Do you know how to ride?”
Really? She climbed to her feet with a huff, brushing at the dirt and leaves clinging to her dress. “Of course I can ride. What kind of question is that?”
He dipped his head slightly. “Forgive me, Princess. I’m unaware of what is taught to royalty.”
She planted her hands on her hips. “Well, we are taught to ride.”
She thought for a moment she saw the corner of his mouth twitch up, but she blinked and his face was serious once again.
“If you’ll follow me,” he unfurled his hand in the direction he had come, “we can get on our way.”
She stepped toward him and he began walking. She followed, watching him. His shoulders were so broad. He was built like a tree. He made Henrik look like a piece of straw. The sleeves of his tunic were rolled up past his elbow and the veins in his forearms stood out along his deeply tanned skin. She eyed the whip, coiled at his hip. Satori had never seen anyone use a whip like the one Kais carried. It seemed far too long to be of any use. His dark britches hugged the curve of his backside so well that she could see the muscles shifting as he walked. Warmth bloomed in her chest and rose to her cheeks.
“See something you like, Princess?”
Her eyes snapped away from his backside and up to his head, but he hadn’t turned to look at her; he couldn’t see her at all. How had he had any idea what she was looking at? She had no intention of giving him the satisfaction of catching her staring.
“If you mean the trees, I’m not overly fond of them.”
His shoulders shook as he laughed, but still, he didn’t turn around. “I didn’t mean the trees. You and I both know you weren’t studying the foliage a moment ago.”
The heat in her cheeks burned hotter, and she bit back a curse. Ladies, especially Princesses, shouldn’t use the words that were perched on the tip of her tongue. She chose instead to glare, silently begging Shala or Miram—whichever deity would listen—to take away the burn before Kais turned around.
She was so caught up in her thoughts that she didn’t notice when he stopped. She barely registered his still form in front of her before she ran into him. He didn’t even budge, turning a surprised look on her.
Her cheeks burned, but at least this burn covered the last. “Apologies.”
The corner of his mouth tipped up in a smirk. “Forgiven.”
He reached out, accepting a set of reins from Teague who was already seated atop a beautiful fawn-colored horse, his long coat fanning out behind him, the split in the back allowing him to ride comfortably.
“This is Luna. She’s gentle and doesn’t mind new riders.”
Satori had never been so grateful that she had been taught how to ride. The last thing she wanted was to look like a helpless, novice Princess in front of these men. She accepted the reins and moved to the side of the brown horse, giving it a friendly pat before expertly swinging up into the saddle, glad as well that she was wearing a full skirt.
She didn’t miss when the men shared a look. “I told you I could ride.”
Kais gave her an appraising nod. “But can you keep up?”
With a nod of his head to Teague, he gave his horse a soft encouraging kick, and the black and white paint took off like a flash.
Teague’s horse moved beside hers as he leaned over slightly. “I think he wanted you to follow.”
Satori glanced at Teague and then in the direction Kais had disappeared in. Not likely. That would leave her alone in the woods with him. Of course, she was alone with Teague now, but there were plenty of people not far back. She knew all too well what could happen when she was alone with a man.
She voiced none of her thoughts to Teague. Instead, she looked at him. “Do I look like the sort of woman to chase after a man?”
A smile broke across his face, lighting his blue eyes, and a small laugh issued from his lips. “No, Princess, you don’t.” Then he nudged his horse into a walk.
Satori, having no idea where they were headed, encouraged her horse to follow.