Page 28 of Blood and Fate
Teague’s head fell back slightly as his eyebrows climbed up his forehead. He opened his mouth as though he were about to speak.
Kais raised a hand, halting the other man’s speech. “Look, spread the word. Anyone who has a problem with it and would like to voice their opinion you can bring by in the morning. I’m tired, and I don’t want to do this tonight anymore.”
Teague’s eyes ran over Kais where he sat. He could only imagine what he must look like, slouched back into his seat, cradling his second glass of liquor. He could only hope he looked better than he felt, because he felt like he was coming apart at the seams.
He still had men whom he was responsible for. He still had a task ahead of him and the responsibility to keep his people alive in the interim. And he still had her. Next door.
He could still feel her, was still aware of her presence. There was a warmth around him that wasn’t cast by the fire. But there was also an elevated heart rate and the feeling of being wound up and wound up until you were sure you were just about to snap. And on top of all that, there was his desire to help her. When he looked at her, he wanted nothing more than to convince her she truly was safe. He wanted her to believe him when he said he had no intention to harm her, that he would never hurt her, and she had nothing to be afraid of. He was a person in chaos.
“Try to get some rest,” Teague said, rising from his seat, concern evident in his eyes and voice. “I’ll make sure someone watches her.”
Kais only nodded his thanks. He didn’t move from his spot for at least ten minutes after Teague had left. He was tired and easily could have dropped into bed and passed out, but he was waiting.
Another five or so minutes passed before someone slapped the outside of his tent flap, “General?”
Kais sat up straighter. “Come in.”
The man stepped through the flap, a paper-wrapped package tied with twine in his hands.
“Sir, I got everything you asked.” He placed the bundle on the desk in front of Kais. “I appreciated the assignment as well, sir.”
Kais pulled his gaze from the parcel to look at the other man. “Why’s that, Sawyer?”
A half smile curved Sawyer’s lips. “Well, sir, I was off shopping for you and missed the opportunity to set up camp in the rain.”
Kais laughed once. “I suppose shopping is certainly preferable to that.”
“Yes, sir.” Sawyer shifted on his feet. “If there’s nothing else, sir? I’d like to find a meal before I turn in if I can.”
“Of course.” Kais stood, straightening his shirt. “Thank you for this. If you would do one more thing, and then you’re free for the evening.”
“Of course, sir.” Sawyer clasped his hands behind his back, standing a bit straighter. “What can I do for you, sir?”
Kais nodded toward the package. “Take that next door and leave it with the Princess, please.”
Kais would have taken it himselfif his last meeting with her hadn’t gone so poorly. He didn’t expect she wanted to see him again anytime soon.
“Of course, sir,” Sawyer said with a nod as he stepped up and reclaimed the parcel. “I’ll leave it there right now. Is there anything you’d like me to tell her?”
He gave a slight shake of his head. “Only that we thought she might like a change of clothes.”
“Certainly, sir.”
“Thank you, Sawyer. Have a good night, you’re dismissed.”
“Thank you, sir.” Sawyer stepped toward the door. “Good night, sir.”
And then he was gone, leaving Kais alone and finally able to crawl into his bed. Sleep, unlike he expected, did not come. Instead, he lay, staring at the canvas, kept awake by the flutter of what felt like a second heartbeat inside him.
Voices, nickering horses, clanging dishes, a loud, boisterous laugh followed by a chorus of amused groans. Satori pulled the pillow up around her ears, scrunching her eyes and face. How did anyone get any sleep in a camp full of soldiers? It was constantly noisy. It was morning, but it was so early. She had never been one to sleep in late, but she also wasn’t awake at the crack of the dawn’s light. It seemed the entire camp was up before dawn, and felt it was their duty to make enough noise to wake the sun itself.
She blew out a huffed breath and opened her eyes, letting the pillow relax back into the cot. She sat up and almost immediately the feeling of dread and danger from the previous night settled back on her. She closed her eyes and drew in a slow stream of air, but when she let it out, it stuttered from her lips. She swallowed deeply. This was ridiculous. She couldn’t exist in this camp full of her enemies if she was going to be on the edge of a breakdown at all times. They wouldn’t hurt her until they delivered her back to her father. She was almost sure of that. Certainly, they wouldn’t kill her. She felt that if they harmed her, her father wouldn’t trust them to grant them an audience. No, it would be far wiser for them to keep her safe and deliver her unharmed. Then the king would see them as saviors and welcome them into his home, where he would be more vulnerable.