Page 36 of Blood and Fate
What now? Perhaps she could find Teague and see if there was a book available somewhere she could read? She stopped when she spotted some berries off to the side of where she walked. They were small, deep red berries with a black smoky sort of design running through the flesh. Her mouth watered. She didn’t know whether they were safe to eat but decided to pick some, just in case. She could ask someone.
She had gathered a handful when the sound of metal dishes clattering to the dirt, and a short groan, stalled her movements.
Afraid someone might be injured, she rushed in the direction of the sound. There, on his knees, an older man gathered a tin cup and saucer from where they had fallen. His skin was tanned and wrinkled, and he appeared much older than the rest of the men she had seen around the camp.
She moved to where the cup had fallen and retrieved it, handing it back to him. He looked up and offered her a warm smile that wrinkled the corners of his eyes.
“Thank you, Princess.” His movements were shaky as he climbed to his feet, and when he stood he was still hunched over a bit. “I was just getting some water so I can get back to these tents before I lose the light.” His eyes found the pile of berries that she had dropped in her haste to help him. “Best not eat those. Helian Currant.”
That sounded ominous. “Helian?”
The man brushed off the knees of his pants. “We call them compulsion berries. You eat those, you’ll do whatever I tell you. With a smile. Wicked little things. Legend says once they only grew in Helias, but now they’re here.”
Satori shuddered, glad she hadn’t tasted them. The idea of losing that control to another person made her blood run cold. She glanced at the pile of fabric the man had indicated.
“What are you doing with the tents?” Satori asked.
“Mending tears. These saw a storm and were damaged. Some of the men are bunking together, and I know they’d like their own spaces back. So, for the men that are busy with other things, I mend their tents. Gives me something to do.”
He moved to a fallen log that it seemed he had turned into a makeshift sewing area. Beside it sat a basket of supplies, and on the opposite side, masses of canvas lay piled up.
“That looks like a lot of work,” Satori said, gesturing to the tent canvas. “Would you like some help?”
The man’s head shot up, eyes wide. “Oh, no, Princess. No, thank you. I can manage.”
Satori smiled. “Please, sir, I may not be well equipped to hunt and fight, but if there’s one thing I can do, it’s sew. Please allow me to help, it will give me something to do. And anyway, I owe you for saving me from the berries.”
“Very well, Princess.”
The man slid down so she could sit next to him. He picked up the basket of supplies at his feet, chose a large needle, larger than any Satori had ever seen, and deftly guided the sturdy thread through the eye. He handed the needle to her and pulled one of the large pieces of canvas from the pile. Turning it over and over until he found the hole, he handed that to her as well.
“Any special stitches I should know?” she asked as she positioned the fabric on her lap.
“We’re not picky here, Princess. Just close the hole.” He threaded his own needle and lifted another portion of canvas into his lap.
There was silence for a bit while they both worked before Satori decided to ask some questions. “How long have you been here?”
“I’ve been around since Kais was small. Before he ever thought about leading these men.” The man stabbed the needle through the fabric, pulling the thick thread through.
Satori was careful not to look at the man when she asked the next question. “Do you enjoy working for Kais?”
The older man paused his work to look Satori in the eye. “There are a lot of stories around about Kais and these men. But I’ll tell you the truth now, and my words are sincere. I’ve known many men in my life, few of them, if any, are of a better breed than Kais. He’s a natural leader, and he loves the men, and he loves his people. If you make a friend of that man, he will be loyal to the very last breath.”
His words were certainly in opposition to what she’d heard about the barbarians living in Evandor. Though, what she’d seen since she’d met him, even at the castle, was also in opposition to what she’d heard. But was that real, or was that what her body, and whatever reaction he caused, wanted her to see?
“Are you concerned about his decision to take the crossing?”
She was careful to keep her tone neutral. She wanted to know this man’s sincere opinion, not what he thought she needed to hear.
“The crossing is the only way to get to Burnell before winter sets in. He has good reason to get there, and if he believes we can do it, we can do it.” He reached over and patted Satori on her hand. “Don’t fear, Princess.”
“What’s your name?”
The man picked up his needle again. “They call me Bram, Princess.”
She smiled at him. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Bram. Please call me Satori.”
Bram was fun and full of information that he wasn’t shy to share. By the end of the work day, they had repaired four out of five tents, and Satori had learned a wealth of information about Kais and his men.