Page 59 of Blood and Fate
Then, as if he had remembered something, he lowered the canteen and turned his head to face her. “About an hour, I’d say.”
“Huh?” What had she even asked?
He let out a small laugh. “You asked how far yet. From here, about an hour.”
“Oh.” She blushed again and wanted to slap herself for letting these emotions out around him.
“Are you alright, Princess?” Amusement glinted clearly in his eyes, but he said nothing else.
“I’m fine,” she huffed out, annoyed at herself.
Kais had a good sense of time. In just under an hour, they came upon a village. They passed a few huts at first, away from the more populated center, then they were crossing into a much more bustling portion.
They had barely arrived when someone off to the right, sitting outside what looked like a small storefront, called out, “Is that Teague Rhone? Are my old eyes deceiving me?”
The woman came closer to the group, her face more wrinkled than anyone Satori had ever seen. She stepped closer, eyes squinted against the sun and maybe against her age as well.
“That tall, broad-shouldered man there. It must be, I’d know that coat anywhere.” She pointed.
From somewhere behind her, Teague’s laugh was loud and deep and full of delight. Teague moved past them toward the woman until he stood before her, scooping her carefully off her feet.
“Marta!” He set her down and kissed each of her cheeks through her laughter. “I’ve missed you.”
She slapped him playfully on the arm. “Oh, you’re a liar. You don’t miss me, you miss my venison stew.”
Teague pulled back, an affronted expression playing on his features. “That is nonsense, woman. And you know it is.” He glanced around. “Where’s Nico?”
“Oh, off, gossiping at the fountain, I’m sure.” She waved a hand in the direction of the center of the village. “He’ll be glad to see you, my boy.”
“I am glad to see you.” Teague placed another kiss on Marta’s forehead, but this one was much softer and seemed much more sincere.
From the direction that Marta had waved came a series of shrill, ear-piercing shouts, and Satori turned to see a little girl, maybe eight years old, sprinting toward them as fast as her small legs would carry her. She moved so quickly that she almost flew, dust kicking up around her heels, leaving a cloud in her wake. Her arms were held above her head, and laughter danced in her eyes.
Beside Satori, Kais laughed and lowered himself to one knee. “Bug!”
The little girl’s laughter didn’t cease until she had launched herself into his awaiting arms. “You’re here! You’re here! You’re here!”
“I am,” Kais laughed, wrapping his arms completely around the little girl.
Satori took a moment to observe the girl. Both her hair and her skin were the same color as Kais’. Both of them looked like they lived their lives in the sunshine. Though when the girl opened her eyes, they were a deep blue instead of the chocolate brown of Kais’. And Kais loved her.
“I didn’t think you were ever coming back!” the girl said into Kais’ neck. “It’s been ages!”
“Never coming back?” Kais pulled the girl away to meet her gaze. Her eyes shone as though filled with tears. “I would never not come back to you.”
Immediately the girl’s serious expression jumped into a massive grin. “Good.” She looked around. “Did you bring Teague?”
“Do I ever go anywhere without Teague?” Kais gave her a playfully exasperated look.
“Adalyn.” Teague’s voice sounded from behind them. “Do I not get a welcome?”
The girl, Adalyn, broke free of Kais’ hold to launch herself at Teague. He caught her in his arms, spinning her around twice before setting her back on her feet.
“You grew.”
Adalyn rolled her eyes. “Mama says I do that all the time.”
“Well, your Mama’s a smart woman; she can see.” Satori didn’t miss the glance that Teague shared with Kais.