Page 73 of Blood and Fate
“No.” Her voice cracked on the word, and his heart rent with it.
He stopped and turned toward her, touching her, barely, on the arm. “Do you want to learn how?”
She stopped and looked up at him. Her eyes shone as tears pooled there.
“Please? Please? I’ll do anything.” Then the tears fell, and she covered her eyes with her hands as her shoulders shook.
Kais stood helpless for a moment, not knowing what to do as her pain and shame poured into him. But then his instinct, tired of waiting on him, took over. He lifted his hand and placed it on her shoulder, sliding it slightly around her back. It was an invitation that she could either accept or reject. Much to his shock, she stepped into him, her arms met his chest along with her forehead, and he wrapped his other arm around her. He held her, silently praying to Shala that she felt the same comfort at his touch that he felt when she touched him.
He ran a hand up and down her back, speaking quietly, his chin brushing the top of her soft hair, “I’ll teach you, Princess. And, if you wish, I’ll kill him for you.”
He smiled when he felt the tiny laugh. She stepped back and cold rushed into the space where her body had been. Had he ever missed anything so much?
“Thank you.” She swiped at her eyes. “I’m not usually one to cry. I’m not sure what’s wrong with me.”
“Princess, this may sound silly, but if you ever need to cry, you can come to me.” He hoped his words sounded sincere and not ridiculous. “Anytime.”
She huffed a small laugh. “Thank you again.”
Kais clapped his hands together. “Now, allow me to teach you how to bring a grown man to his knees. And not in any way he’ll enjoy.”
The corner of her mouth quirked up, and he couldn’t help but respond with a smile of his own.
For the next few hours, Kais showed Satori every way she could use to defend herself against another person. He allowed her to hit, punch, flip, and trip him, among other things he could think to teach her. The entire time his anger seethed against the man who made this necessary. What had this man already done to this woman? Where had his hands already been where they were unwelcome?
“Are you alright?” Satori’s uncertain voice interrupted his thoughts.
He looked up, surprised at first, before he realized why she’d asked. His mouth fell open slightly. It hadn’t been the way he held himself or the expression on his face. No, her knowledge was much more intimate. She knew because she could feel the rage seething inside him. Her face had gone slightly pale as she faced him.
“I’m sorry.”
He let his eyes drift over her, not in a possessive or leering way, but in admiration. He met her gaze. She may not know how to fight or hunt, but she was strong. She had experienced he could only imagine what, and yet she still went on. She still counted the possibility that she might marry this man, this advisor, this tormentor, for her kingdom. She would do what she had to do for her country.
He admired the trait. He shared it. But while he ran from it, she faced it head-on. While he camped in the woods and traveled with a band of soldiers, she lived in the castle with someone who was a constant danger to her person, only to do her duty and what was right. He wanted to protect her. He wanted to keep her safe. He wanted to destroy that advisor, send him to Helias and let him rot there. Precious, she was precious, and how was it that not everyone could see it? It was so clear to him. She stood there in front of him, looking at him expectantly, waiting for him to tell her what was wrong, her blonde hair braided down her back, her brown eyes holding questions. She was precious.
He blinked. Would he ever get used to the sound of his name on her lips? He hoped not.
“I’m sorry,” he repeated his earlier words but with an entirely different meaning this time.
She laughed slightly. “You said that.”
He smiled. “I know. The first time I was apologizing for the anger. I was just thinking of . . . your father’s advisor.”
Her smile faded immediately.
“The second apology was for staring off into space for so long,” he continued. “I apologize. I was lost in thought. It happens occasionally.”
“I understand. It’s something I also experience.” She looked around at the dirt they had trampled and torn up. “We didn’t do very much hunting, did we?”
Kais shrugged. “I have faith in Teague and the others. They’ve probably brought down a buffalo by now.”
“Or a hog.” Satori giggled.