Page 80 of Blood and Fate
As he said the words, a group of people swarmed them, everyone wanting to know what happened.
“It’s boar blood,” Kais said, his voice raised to be heard over the din.
Satori didn’t miss the look that passed between Kais and Teague. It was pointed, and Teague nodded his head in answer. Teague would tell their story however Kais wished it. She and Kais would go down in the village history for fighting a boar, being soaked in its blood, and coming out unscathed.
After explaining at least four times, Kais finally stopped, causing her to stop beside him. “Alright, we don’t need to keep repeating the tale; you can go share it now. But will someone please find us some clothes so we can get cleaned up?”
“Right away, sir,” a middle-aged woman called out before quickly disappearing into the crowd.
Sir? Satori had only heard his men refer to Kais as sir. It seemed odd that a woman from the village would call him that. Maybe she was just used to hearing it from the soldiers?
They were stopped yet again, recounting their fabricated tale, when the woman reappeared, handing a bundle to Teague who nodded his thanks. Teague turned and gave it to Kais.
“Thank you. Now,” Kais surveyed the crowd, “if you don’t mind?”
“Not at all.” Teague turned toward the group and laid a finger and thumb just inside his teeth.
The sound he emitted was ear-splitting, and Satori laughed at how quickly everyone ceased their chatter and focused on him.
“Thank you. As I’m sure you can tell, Kais and the Princess would like very much to clean up. If you could all disperse and give them a chance to do that, no doubt they can share their tale again later.”
Kais laid a hand on Teague’s shoulder, shooting him a grateful look before leading her away from the crowd and into the tree line. “It’s right through here.”
They emerged into a small area clear of foliage, the trees replaced by a small pool, a light mist floating on its surface. Water fed into it on one side in a small stream, and then drained out the other, keeping the water from growing stagnant.
Satori stepped to the edge and looked in. A small laugh escaped her at what she saw. The bottom. She could see right to the depths of the crystal clear pool. Brown, grey, and speckled rocks covered the bottom.
“It’s so clear.”
“And deceptively deep,” Kais answered, observing the water. “In most places, it will nearly cover your shoulders. Over there,” he pointed to the far side of the pool, “it will cover your head. Try to stay on this side.”
She peered into the depths, fascinated. “It doesn’t look that deep.”
Kais’ attention turned to her, and she could feel his eyes on her. “Not everything can be taken at face value. Sometimes there are far greater depths to be discovered.”
She looked up, holding his gaze for a long moment until he suddenly looked away. “Well, I’ll let you get to it. I’ll be inside the tree line if you need me. I promise I won’t look.”
Satori’s cheeks warmed at the thought of him watching her bathe, and beyond her own will, her breaths came slightly quicker. Then she felt it, the same sort of frenzy that was inside her, coming from him. She looked up and met his gaze, and his eyes seemed to burn into her. Shala. She had to pull herself together. She was here to get cleaned up.
“Thank you.”
With a single nod, he turned and began to walk back toward the trees. Helias, she was losing her mind.
“Wait?” Her heart began to pound in her chest.
He froze mid-step, not turning, just waiting.
She swallowed down the large knot in her throat and spoke, “Will you help me? Please? First, before you go?”
She felt like an idiot. She didn’t need help. Her corset tied both in the front and the back. She dressed and undressed herself every day without the need for assistance. But she wasn’t ready for him to be so far away; she didn’t want to be alone.
He turned and met her gaze, his eyes on fire, sending a thrill through her from the top of her head to her feet. He stepped back toward her slowly, as though he was trying not to startle her. He moved in front of her. Her eyes darted away from his, and she turned, pulling her hair over her shoulder, off her back. If Kais noticed that she could undo her own laces, he said nothing.
She could feel the pressure of his fingertips resting on her back through her corset, then his right hand traveled down to her side as he took hold of the destroyed material. The boar had sliced it over halfway down the side, as well as her flesh. The tips of his fingers feathered lightly over where the enormous gash had been, but only for a moment, and then his hands were back on her laces.
Slowly he pulled the ties apart, thread after thread sliding from their places in slow agony. He stepped closer, and she felt the heat from his body through her clothes as his breath coasted over her ear. Her corset fell open, and she moved her hands to hold it in place as he pulled the last laces free. Air hit her back through her shirt and sent goosebumps chasing up her arms.
Kais placed his hands on her hips and gently turned her toward him. She knew her cheeks were blazing, could feel her face on fire. She kept her gaze down, embarrassed for him to see her blush. His fingers found her chin and lifted it until she met his eyes. When his fingers left her chin, they held each other’s gazes as his hands found the shoulder portion of her corset and pulled. He pulled until she was forced to remove her hand as the brown leather was removed. Kais held it out and dropped it beside him, still holding her gaze.