Page 83 of Blood and Fate
Her breaths pushed out in soft gasps as he worked, his ministrations making him more than ready to move on.
With her arms wrapped around his neck, her body pressed to his, she lifted her head slightly, their gazes locking as he held her. He brushed his lips against her, removing his hand, pushing at his pants before grasping her waist. He lifted her slightly and then slowly lowered her back down. He clenched his jaw as he slipped inside her, not stopping until they were fit together.
Her eyes closed, her lips parted, and her head fell slightly back. He would have done the same if he hadn’t wanted to drink in every single reaction from this woman. The water’s surface rippled around them, but Kais barely noticed, all his attention focused on Satori.
He moved once, twice, and her fingers dug into his shoulders as she tilted her hips, and Kais nearly saw stars. Helias.
Buoyed by the water, they moved in unison. Kais kept one hand behind her, holding her up. With his other hand he reached between them, sliding into that spot just above where they were joined. He worked his hand between them and let his thumb slide over her. Satori’s back arched, her head flying back, her mouth opening as heavy breaths issued from her in gasps.
“Satori,” he breathed her name, pleased by her reaction.
Her body tensed beneath his touch, her legs tightening around him, her arms pressing her body into his until there was barely enough freedom for him to continue to move his hand between them, but he did.
Spurred on by the sounds she made and the reaction of her body, he continued, his legs beginning to shake as his own pleasure grew almost too intense to stand. Satori’s head suddenly dropped to his shoulder, her face pressed into his neck, her gasps turning to short moans. He pressed her as close as he could, trying to get as deep as he could as her nails dug into his back and a guttural sort of scream tore from her lips, followed by his name. She buried her face farther into his neck to muffle the sound, but he wasn’t sure it had done any good. Someone might come any moment to make sure she was alright.
He picked up his tempo, not planning to be left behind. Once, twice, three more times, and his release hit him. He threw his head back, letting it wash over him, his breath punching out of his lungs.
Above them, the wind, which had been nonexistent, billowed, causing branches to bend and leaves to swirl violently.
“Look,” Satori’s breathless whisper drew his attention. “The water.”
When he looked down at the surface of the water, it seemed to vibrate. Almost the same as it looked when the finest of rain fell, just barely enough to disturb the surface, but still it moved. And not just from their movements, all across the pool, the surface rippled, small waves covering the entire body of water.
She met his eyes, inches away from his. “Is that us?”
He looked around again. “I think it might be.”
Something about the energy around them as they came together affected the air and the water. What was this force that connected them?
“Do you think it’s only here or in the village too?” A sheepish look crossed her face, and he imagined she was blushing, though the lighting was too dark to tell for sure.
He chuckled. “It seems to be only around us. I don’t see the trees blowing farther out.”
She met his gaze again. “Wow.”
A smile turned up the corner of his mouth. “Indeed.”
“We should get back, maybe?”
The last thing he wanted to do at that moment was let her go. He had no desire to feel her body slide off his and leave him only one person again. “Do we have to?”
She laughed. “I think if we don’t soon, they’ll send a search party.”
That was a thought he didn’t want to entertain. “We can’t have that.”
Slowly he lifted her up and away from him, their eyes locked as they disentangled. She was only inches from him,their bodies nearly still touching, and still she felt miles away after the connection they had shared.
He lifted his hands to her neck, sliding to cup her jaw as he bent and kissed her one last time before leaving the place where they were alone.
They climbed out of the water, dressing in the new clothes they had brought along and gathering up the old, torn, and bloody things to take back to camp and dispose of. They walked side by side, and surprise hit him when she slid her hand into his. He was pleased to find that the spark when they touched remained in spite of them taking their relationship to the next level.
Was that what it was? Was it a relationship? Or a fling that would be over when he dropped her off at her door? In her mind, at least. He had no intention of that being the end of their partnership.
When they finally returned to their small camp in the village, the place was quiet. It had grown late, and nearly everyone had turned in. Though one person remained.
Teague stood from where he was seated beside a fire sharpening a blade, his long coat back in place. “Well, I was concerned that maybe you two got lost or attacked by another boar. But then I heard screaming and decided you were fine.”
He kept a straight face though his eyes danced with mischief.