Page 93 of Blood and Fate
Her head fell back, and she cried out, snapping her mouth shut suddenly and biting down on her lip. Her eyes flew open as her chest heaved, and she shot a glance toward the tent flap. He smiled; it was definitely no secret what was happening in here, and he couldn’t find it in himself to care at all. He stopped concentrating so much on holding back. He let himself go, and his release came in seconds, chasing after hers.
Her head rolled until her forehead came to rest on his, eyes closed in exhaustion, contentment washing through her.
“I love you,” he whispered.
Her eyes remained closed, but she smiled widely. “I love you.”
Shouting pulled Kais from sleep. He was reluctant to wake Satori from where she was nestled and resting so peacefully on his arm, but the shouts grew louder, and then Teague’s voice joined them. As carefully as he could, Kais slid out from beside Satori and quickly pulled on his clothes. He attached his whip and stepped outside.
“What’s going on?”
The shouts were still out of his line of sight, and the guard at his door gave him a shrug that said he was just as confused as Kais. Kais moved in the direction of the shouts. When he arrived at the ruckus, he found his own men, Teague included, with swords drawn. They stood facing a couple dozen men Kais didn’t recognize, and one he did. Fury raged to life inside him, and he fought it down, needing a clear head.
He stepped past some men and came to Teague’s side. “What’s going on here?”
“Where is she?” the tall blonde man hissed.
The King’s advisor sneered at Kais, looking at him as though he was something on the bottom of his horse’s shoes.
Teague turned his head toward Kais, but only looked at him for a moment before returning his attention to the other men.
“They seem to think we’ve kidnapped the Princess. I have assured them we did not. But,” he waved his free hand at the scene in front of them, “as you can see, they don’t believe me.”
Cautiously, Kais stepped out just in front of Teague, hands raised. “Please, surely we can resolve this without the need for violence.”
The advisor spoke and his features remained calm, the only indication of his anger was the set of his clenched jaw, “I am about to become very violent if you do not produce my Princess.”
Kais’ hackles rose at the way he claimed possession of Satori. His eyes dropped to the man’s hands for a second, and he imagined them on Satori, hurting her, touching her against her will. Fury built inside his chest, but that would not help. He pulled in a few deep breaths. When he spoke, even he was surprised at the calm in his voice.
“We have not kidnapped the Princess. If you would allow me to explain—“ His words were cut off by the presence behind him, fear and determination washing off of her. He turned just as she came into view.
“Satori!” Henrik shot Teague a look. “It appears you’ve been lying to us.”
“Not at all,” Teague said, his voice even. “I said we didn’t kidnap her.”
“Satori, come here this instant. We’re going home.”
Kais stood still, his eyes shifting between Satori and Henrik. She looked frozen and he could feel the waves of fear. She met his eyes, and a sense of calm washed over him, warmth and love. Most couples had to rely on trust when they said ‘I love you,’ but not him and Satori. They could feel it, they knew it was real.
She lifted her chin. The fear was still there, but it had dimmed. She moved as though she would come right next to him, but at the last second, Teague’s hand shot out and stopped her. Thank Shala, Kais thought. The last thing he wanted was for Satori to be in the middle of this. Next to Teague was close enough.
Henrik lifted his sword higher, pointing it at Teague. “Let her go.”
Kais turned to look at Henrik. “She’s not our prisoner. She is free to choose to leave if she wishes. However, if she wishes to stay, she’s free to do that as well.”
Henrik sneered. “Stay? Why would she stay?”
Kais was still facing Henrik when he felt the soft press of her palm on his arm. His attention shot to her beside him, in the middle of everything. He shot Teague a look. He would talk to him later if they made it out of this alive.
“I’m not a prisoner.” Her voice shook at first, but then it became clear, and he heard in her the royal that she was. “Kais and his men saved my life and welcomed me. I owe everything to them.” She slipped her hand in Kais’, and Henrik’s attention zeroed in on the gesture. “I will not allow you to harm them.”
“Satori, I don’t know what they’ve done to you or what’s going on. But you will not be staying here. If we have to kill every one of these men to get to you, you will be going home with us.” As Henrik spoke, more men appeared, stepping out from behind trees, growing their numbers. “And if we can’t manage it today, we will be back with more men. However,” Henrik lifted his free hand, one finger held in the air, before pointing it at Kais. “Your friend there dies today.”
One man stepped forward from the group with Henrik, holding a bow, an arrow already knocked, pointed at Kais’ chest.
“No!” Fear spiked through her as she screamed. She tried to dive in front of Kais, but he caught her arm, hauling her back behind him. “No, Henrik, please!” she pleaded, her voice shaking once again.