Page 32 of The Hate Date
Or, maybe not. I’m here to give her the entire story, after all.
“I came here to see you. There are things I’d like to tell you...” I try again to reach for her.
She narrows her eyes. “Oh. My. God. You fucking asshole. You work with him, don’t you? Are you following me? I know he doesn’t have any access to money. Did he pay you with that watch?”
“Clover, no!” I shake my head. “It’s nothing like that.”
Isn’t it?
“Then tell me what the fuck you’re doing with his watch. I gave it to him as a special birthday gift,“ she seethes.
How the fuck was I supposed to know that? Clearly, there’s sentiment attached. I decide to try a different approach. Sterner. More authoritative. She loved when I gave her orders in the elevator. “Clover. Calm down. I came back for you. We never exchanged numbers. I want to take you out so let’s grab dinner and I’ll tell you about the watch. And…”
Her horrified look tells me I missed the mark.
“Listen to me, JJ.” She stabs her index finger at me. “Despite what happened in that elevator, get this straight. You do not own me. You do not tell me what to do. And you do not under any circumstances…ever…Tell. Me. To. Calm. Down.”
My mouth opens to answer but she presses her palm against my lips. “Shut it. I want you to answer the question I asked you.”
I nod in resignation. Looks like I’m giving her control. She removes her hand.
“Yes. He gave it to me as payment,” I answer honestly. “He stole millions of dollars from his clients. I’m getting it back.”
She looks at me as if I’ve grown two heads. “What. The. Fuck?”
Out of the corner of my eye I see her, too late to wave her off. Kris Blakely, Ronni’s producing partner walks up beside us. “Joar! You’re back. How was Singapore?”
“Joar?” Clover looks between me and Kris.
“Clover, haven’t you met Joar Jacoby? He’s the Founder and CEO of Jacoby International. The media conglomerate.” She hugs me. “How was Singapore?”
I keep my eye on Clover when I answer. “Successful.”
“He just took over Gigante, the biggest media group in the country,” Kris mock whispers to Clover then turns to me. “What brings you back to your small-potato production facility?”
For fuck’s sake.
Clover smiles sweetly. “So nice to meet you, Joar. Wish I could stay and chat, Kris, but I have somewhere to be.”
“Thanks for your hard work today.” Kris waves at her as she walks away.
It’s not like I can just run after her.
Can I?
“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” Kris watches me watch her walk away.
My head snaps back to look at Kris. I don’t owe her shit, but I’ll try to be polite. “She is. Are you happy with the show?”
“Oh, mark my words, next year at this time that girl is going to be a star. Again.” Kris smiles widely the lowers her voice to a stern demand. “Keep your grubby little hands off her. I know how you blow through women. She’s not the one for you.”
If only she knew that my grubby hands had touched every inch of her gorgeous body.
Or…maybe not.
“None of your concern.” I fix her with my most intimidating look.