Page 76 of The Hate Date
“Joar?” My voice is emotionless, I feel like I’m floating and watching this scene from above.
I can hear his sigh of relief through the phone. “Thank God. Baby, what is happening?”
“I’m watching my house burn to the ground.” Weirdly, I feel entirely detached from the situation. “Looks like I’m homeless.”
“One second, baby.” Joar’s muffled voice is barking orders in the background. “I’m on my way back. We’re refueling and I’ll be in LA as soon as I can get there.”
“Okay,” I hear myself say as I watch the flames shoot out my bedroom window.
“I’m not having you followed. Don’t believe that.” Joar’s voice seems so distant. “I love you. I love you so much. I’m never leaving you again. Not for anything. Do you hear me?”
“Okay.” I’m suddenly so tired. “Oh look. The roof is falling in.”
My ears are blown out by a screaming wail as loud as I’ve ever heard that goes on and on and on.
A guttural cry coming from the depths of my soul.
Chapter twenty-eight
Minutes Later
It sounds like Clover is being murdered, her screams are so tortured.
It kills something inside of me.
When the woman you love is suffering and you’re not there…
No fucking words.
It won’t happen again.
Not on my watch.
I’ve never felt panic like this.
And there’s not a goddamn thing I can do.
By the time Seth and my assistant arrived at Clover’s house, the EMTs on the scene had sedated and sent her to Cedars Sinai. The trauma of watching her house burn to the ground sent Clover into shock. Then uncontrollable hysterics. My team made sure she was placed in a private room under an assumed name. The last thing she needs are reporters and paparazzi nosing around.
I’ve logged nearly sixteen thousand steps on this flight. Pacing the aisle back and forth, waiting for updates. Of which there were precious few.
Her house is a total loss. I’m not able to get any information about the cause of the fire.
The landing gear clicks into place. Thank Christ we’re finally back in LA.
My blood pressure is through the roof. Never, and I mean never, have I been so stressed.