Page 83 of The Hate Date
Hi. I checked the policy. This will work.
Hi there. Yes. Untraceable.
Hi again. Yes you’ll get your share after the check clears.
Hi. It’s happening.
A tidal wave of emotions crashes over me. Anger. Disbelief. Confusion.
To think Clover, the woman I’ve fallen in love with, may have actually been involved in something this sinister—I have no words.
It’s what my gut told me in the beginning. Before I met her. Knew her. Loved her.
Am I the fool who took one look at her gorgeous face and spectacular tits and let my dick interfere with logic and reason?
“You know the phone records, financial transactions, and even witness statements during our investigation all point in this direction.” Seth’s voice is filled with caution.
It’s inconceivable I misjudged the situation with her. My instinct is impeccable.
Isn’t it?
“Could there be an alternate explanation?” I search for a glimmer of hope.
I long for it.
Seth’s somber gaze meets mine. “I wish I was giving you better news. The tech team pulled these off surveillance. They’ve thoroughly reviewed these recordings. The facts seem to point towards a collaboration between Harrison and Clover. It’s something we need to address because this could be a huge fucking problem if word gets out. I need you to tell me what you want to do.”
The two of us go over every possible scenario. Attack it from all angles. With the mountains of evidence we have about Harrison’s misdeeds, this fits right into his M.O.
I wish I could just ignore this.
But I can’t. I’m still embroiled in the last vestiges of the Eminence acquisition—all related to Harrison’s legal troubles. I’m in love with his ex-wife—who’s working with him. This is sinister. I don’t want it to be true, but I heard it with my own ears.
“Yeah. Okay.” I’m stunned stupid. “You can head out. It’s going to take me a minute to figure out how to approach this. We’ll talk after the dinner.” I remain composed until he shuts the door behind him.
Once he’s gone, anguish overtakes my body. I’m torn between loyalty to the woman I love—thought I trusted—and the need to protect my empire and reputation. If Harrison and Clover have been conspiring all this time and…committed arson?
I can’t be with her. No fucking way.
It sickens me. My world feels like it’s been smashed to smithereens.
Why would she help him though? Why would she burn down her own house? I was on the phone with her. She was hospitalized, for fuck’s sake.
My blood turns to ice.
Could it be she’s an amazing actress and… Fuck me. If Harrison’s legal troubles continue to drive down the valuation of Eminence, he might be gathering funds to do a reverse merger. I wouldn’t put it past him. The guy might be an idiot, but he’s definitely book smart. And devious. I wouldn’t put it past him to try to pull one over on me.
Through Clover, though?
Could she be that demented?
Holy motherfuck. I need time to process this information. Determine the best course of action.
Time I don’t have.
As if she’s psychic, my phone buzzes. I pick up. “Hi, Clover.”